By Ernest Gaines The Importance of the Notebook, Food and Kitchen Door
Simran Mann
Mrs. Nesbitt 16/07/2013
Symbolism is the voice of the unspoken feeling. There is an abundant amount of powerful symbols exhibited within the novel A Lesson before Dying by Ernest Gaines. The author successfully adds a touch of importance to his symbols; the three most important symbols delineated in this novel are Jefferson’s notebook, the recurring food, and lastly the kitchen door of Mr. Henri’s house. A Lesson before Dying emphasizes the implications behind symbols and how they are borne throughout the story.
Gaines does not hold back at all when it comes to showing that Jefferson’s notebook is an extremely important symbol in the book A Lesson before Dying due to its …show more content…
Jefferson’s notebook acts as a window, giving the reader a glance into the inner workings of his mind which was not possible before. For example, the reader is able to actually read Jefferson’s notebook entry in chapter ---------29. Jefferson had detached himself from the community as he felt that they had not paid attention to him before his arrest and that injustice had been served to him; the notebook that was gifted to him ultimately served to be a reconnection to society – a type of forgiveness. Lastly, the notebook represents hope for a beaming future collaboration not just between the black community, but also between black and white people. “Allow me to be your friend, Grant Wiggins. I don’t ever want to forget this day. I don’t ever want to forget him.” (Gaines 259) With Paul’s request to shake hands with Grant, a new level of equality is established between the “white” and “black” man, emancipating Grant from any feelings of being inferior, thus enforcing the