In “The Awakening” by Kate Chopin, the author contrasts the three different men who love Edna with each other, revealing the different types of love that each of them represent, causing Edna to understand the type of love that she relates most too. The first man that Edna comes in contact with in the novel is her Husband, Mr. Pontellier. The author uses this father and husband figure to create the sense of commitment that comes from love, but nothing else, revealing to Edna the need for more than just commitment. The author creates this sense of commitment on page 7 of “The Awakening” by having Edna be called the “sole object of his existence.”
In “The Awakening” by Kate Chopin, the author contrasts the three different men who love Edna with each other, revealing the different types of love that each of them represent, causing Edna to understand the type of love that she relates most too. The first man that Edna comes in contact with in the novel is her Husband, Mr. Pontellier. The author uses this father and husband figure to create the sense of commitment that comes from love, but nothing else, revealing to Edna the need for more than just commitment. The author creates this sense of commitment on page 7 of “The Awakening” by having Edna be called the “sole object of his existence.”