
Theme Of Power In Huckleberry Finn Swain

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The theme of this novel would have to be power. One World fights for the power to control the people, while Ana (a rebel) fights against them for equality. “‘Hungry for the give and take between the human being and the earth we are meant to have. Hungry for the life source meant to sustain us. This is not bad my friends. It is human thing. It is this very desire that will carry us forward if only we have…’ She points to the child’s drawing again. Everyone claps and whistles. ‘And I’ll tell you what’s more,’ she shouts over the crowd.’It’s out there, if only we will allow ourselves to find it.’” (page 113 Swain). This quote is from Ana she is explaining to the rebels that the life they are hungry not only for food, but for the egalitarianism

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