At the beginning of book, Buck must start to adapt to the harsh and hostile environment in order to survive. First, Buck must learn the “Law of Club”. For example, if Buck didn’t learn that law from the man in the red sweater, he might get beat to death by other men with clubs. Since Buck survives the beating from the man in the red sweater he knows not to mess with men with clubs because they make the law, not him. Second, Buck learns the “Law of Fang”. For instance, Curly’s death illustrates that law to Buck. Since Buck knows that law he can be safe and learn not
At the beginning of book, Buck must start to adapt to the harsh and hostile environment in order to survive. First, Buck must learn the “Law of Club”. For example, if Buck didn’t learn that law from the man in the red sweater, he might get beat to death by other men with clubs. Since Buck survives the beating from the man in the red sweater he knows not to mess with men with clubs because they make the law, not him. Second, Buck learns the “Law of Fang”. For instance, Curly’s death illustrates that law to Buck. Since Buck knows that law he can be safe and learn not