The Most Dangerous Game is a short story written by Richard Connell. In Connell’s short story, The Most Dangerous Game, the protagonist, Sanger Rainsford was successful in General Zaroff’s manhunt by surviving 3 days without being found and his former knowledge of hunting. He used many different strategies. Three of the strategies he used were, a series of loops and random trails, he climbed up a tree to avoid being spotted, and he also made a Burmese tiger pit to trick General Zaroff.…
When people are put at their mercy’s wits, they will do some extravagant things. In Richard Connell’s short story “The Most Dangerous Game,” Sanger Rainsford is the person who deals with these things. The story focuses on Rainsford, a one time, big game hunter, and the events on an island that he swims to after falling off Whitney’s ship. On Ship-Trap Island, Rainsford encounters and is hunted by a deranged man named General Zaroff, who is a tall man with no heart, and likes to hunt more dangerous game. During the events on Ship-Trap Island, Rainsford is witty, exhibits extravagant survival skills, and encounters a revelation.…
A popular topic for authors lately seems to be the decline of humanity and morals. Dystopian novels are one of the most popular genres right now. However, authors haven’t just begun to write about violence recently. Many past authors ushered in this generation by using character traits to express themes and morals. An example of this is The Most Dangerous Game by Richard Connel. Connel uses character choices and tone in the story The Most Dangerous Game to express a theme of “ignorance leads to violence.”…
Rainsford begins to plot down what he will do to win the game, since General Zaroff has not lost any of them before, “The softness of the earth had gave him an idea” (45). In addition, General Zaroff has never lost to anybody, Rainsford gets ideas and plans to kill General Zaroff with different methods. Obviously, everyone in life has thoughts of giving up in a race or battle, “I will not lose my nerve. I will not” (43). Rainford, at this point, can not give up and will do about anything to win and defeat him. Consequently, Rainsfords motivation is to attempt to kill…
The written story “The Most Dangerous Game” by Richard Connell has beautifully descriptive sets and scenes that help bring the story to life, along with excellent character structure and personality, which leads to interesting and unexpected conflicts that are not properly portrayed in the movie with the same name directed by Ernest Schoedsack and Irving Pichel.…
Zaroff starts to explain to Rainsford how hunting animal’s no longer gives him a thrill, but Rainsford is confused as Zaroff explains what type of creatures he now hunts. After a lengthy conversation at the dinner table, Zaroff gets to the point and says, “It must have courage, cunning, and above all, it must be able to reason.” (Connell). It is here where Rainsford realizes it is humans that Zaroff has moved on to and suddenly Rainsford begins to fear for his life. Zaroff wants a challenge, because all the men he is hunting are making it too easy, so he believes Rainsford will give him a challenge, since he is a hunter himself. Zaroff now makes a deal with Rainsford, “I’ll cheerfully acknowledge myself defeat if I do not find you by midnight of the third day – my sloop will place you on the mainland near a town.” (Connell). If he wants to make it off this island he will need to survive Zaroffs three-day game. Rainsford is sent into the huge jungle with no direction of where he is and all he has is food, clothes, and a knife. The game has now…
In The Most Dangerous Game, Connell describes Rainsford, the protagonist, as a renowned hunter. Connell uses the opening conversation between Rainsford and Whitney, Rainsford’s companion on the yacht, to enlighten the reader to Rainsford’s attitude of indifference concerning the prey that he hunts. As fate would have it, Rainsford is marooned on an island where he meets another hunter, General Zaroff. As the story progresses, Rainsford begins to see the façade of civility disappear and the real nature of the General come to surface. The General explains how hunting man is the logical progression of their art and that they are actually kindred souls. Rainsford is appalled by the comparison of their two natures and clings to the moral high ground. That is until the General forces Rainsford to now become the prey. Rainsford, now the prey, calls upon not only his vast knowledge and experience of the hunt but also his primeval instinct of survival. Connell takes the reader through many twists and turns giving hope for Rainsford around each corner only to take it away. Due to the cunningness and resourcefulness of Rainsford, the General is given literally the best hunt of his life. In the end, Rainsford outsmarts the General…
In attempt to entice and lure the reader into reading further, the author of “The Most Dangerous Game” creates a suspenseful mood through the uncertainty and danger in the story. First of all, the described setting played a huge role in developing the tense mood. The island that Rainsford and Whitney approached was supposedly named “Ship-Trap Island,” and as if the name wasn't suspicious enough, Whitney proclaimed that “sailors have a serious dread of the place,” and “The place has a reputation--a bad one.” In addition, the uncanny feeling in the air shot a sudden chill down Rainsfords back. He recited, “What I felt was a--a mental chill; a sort of sudden dread. The use of this eerie environment draws the reader in, in desire to uncover the…
In one part Rainsford is dining with his soon to be hunter,General Zaroff. Rainsford is then startled to find that Zaroff is a murderer because he seems to be a…
“The Most Dangerous Game” by Richard Connell is an intriguing work of fiction that effortlessly combines both aspects of literary and commercial fiction. Connell was able to write a piece that successfully combines fast-paced action as well as upholding literary merit. Not only did Connell write this story with an exciting and adventurous component, he also managed to convey a deeper meaning within the story by allowing his readers to be pulled into the excitement of the story, while also giving them an insight to a darker, more primitive side of human beings. He creatively depicts a unique setting in which the main character has nothing to fear but mankind itself. Connell not only generates…
The Most Dangerous Game, by Richard Connell, is an original nonfiction story about two hunters who take themselves into the Amazon to hunt down animals. Rainsford, one of the main hunters, ends up finding himself on a mysterious island after an accident occurs. Comparing to the film, the characters throughout the scenes differentiate in many ways. Although, the short story itself is entertaining. The changes such as the shipwreck, a love interest, and character development that the director produces a much more dramatic plot, placing the audience on the edge of their seats.…
Concerning his conversation with Whitney at the beginning, his opinion of hunting could have easily changed after being in the position of the jaguar; he understands them now and pities them. He wouldn’t want to hunt humans now that he’s been in their place. Also to note the fact that Rainsford says multiple times things like “...What you speak of is murder.”, “-Did not make me condone cold-blooded murder.”, and “... I’m a hunter, not a murderer.” This shows that in Rainsford’s eyes, he strongly thinks that what Zaroff is doing is morally wrong. If he so strongly feels that hunting humans is murder, then why would he become a murderer himself? Another point, many people see Rainsford as being comfortable in Zaroff’s bed as him taking on Zaroff’s power, but have you ever considered the fact that it could just be Rainsford finally feeling safe? Now that Zaroff is gone, he knows for sure that he can sleep soundly and not be killed.…
he theme in “The Most Dangerous Game” is hunter becomes the hunted, where Rainsford the hunter becomes the hunted by General Zaroff. While at first Zaroff seemed civilized and respectable, he soon shows his barbaric and truly ugly nature. While “The Most Dangerous Game” is only a short story it has many layers. A layer of sympathy for the hunted, was alluded to in the beginning when Rainsford was talking to his friend who was saying that maybe Jaguars can feel pain and have a thought process. While throughout the story Rainsford is always comparing himself to a “beast at bay” meaning that he will always be trapped unless he can kill Zaroff which is completely the opposite of all his morals he either kills or gets killed which is a third theme.…
Suspense Paper on The Most Dangerous Game In the story The Most Dangerous Game, the main character Mr. Rainsford fell of his yacht and landed on Ship-Trap Island. He quickly found a house on this island, and started to knock on the door. Quickly, General Zaroff opens the door and invites him to dinner.…
As Donnie Vincent once said, "The truth is... I'm always saddened when I kill an animal. It's not remorse I feel. I know why I'm a hunter. It's out of respect." But not always do the roles stay the same, sometimes, the tides turn and the hunted become the hunters.This story is so thought provoking, because of its classic theme that anyone can become the hunted. When one looks at “Hungry Like The Wolf” by duran duran, one can see that this theme is still pertinent to today’s world because even in music they show that anyone can become the hunted. One example is when in the duran duran song, they say “Straddle the line, in discord and rhyme, I’m on the hunt I’m after you.” The use of mood, suspense and setting are expertly crafted to support the theme of The Most Dangerous Game”.…