In ‘The Simple Gift’ and sense of belonging for Billy and Caitlin is found through their relationship (1st person narrative we learn of the significance of their belonging) Caitlin finds acceptance which she didn’t have with her family while Billy finds friendship (Old Bill) and love (Caitlin) which he hasn’t experienced before as well.
Billy’s i.d. was shaped down and up through out the verse novel. He started homeless, living in an old train carriage with his friend, Old Bill which shaped his I.D as lowest of lows of being a bum. The school kids in the town of Bendarat teased Billy because through their perspective he was a bum. ‘As I near the town there’s more cars …show more content…
This was done gradually as his life was shaping up. ‘I wouldn’t want to meet her here not when she’s with her friends and in uniform and me dressed in the same clothes as always.’ (p. 39) He was still ashamed of mixing in with people at the same level as Caitlin and was still not quite there.
Gradually, Billy was brought up because of his relationship with Caitlin. She and Old Bill supported him and helped shape up his I.D. Soon, Old Bill helped Billy and Caitlin have there own home so Billy was no longer homeless and now he became good enough for society to accept him. ‘I knew that Old Bill was giving me more than these keys I held holding someone’s past in my dirty hands.’ (p.166) ‘Caitlin and I lay in the huge bed with the moon a perfect light to show Caitlin the beautiful green emerald ring.’ (p. 194)
Similarly, Cobb’s State School No.1812 shows belonging to a place shapes our I.D in relationship and place. However this is shown in a negative