Ambition is the first theme you will see when reading. One example that is seen later in the book is when Lady Macbeth dies when Macduff and his army is invading Macbeth's castle. This leads to her death due to her ambition at the start of the book when she wants Macbeth to kill Duncan so he can become king and she would become queen. Macbeth also shows ambition when
he finds out he is the Thane of Cawdor in the basement of his castle with the witches. He quickly gets excited that he will be king and wants to be king as soon as he can. In conclusion the message of ambition in the story is it can lead to the downfall of yourself or others as it did for Lady Macbeth and Macbeth. Furthermore guilt also played a huge factor in why Macbeth and Lady Macbeth had a downfall. Guilt is the reason why many of the events happen in the story and why Life becomes very difficult for Macbeth and his wife. Lady Macbeth relives the night they Kill Duncan as she sleepwalks at night in the basement of the castle. The message of Guilt in the story is the guilt will eat away at you and will bring you down. Guilt is the one thing that leads to Macbeth to go crazy also and see Banquo on a table walking around when he is dead at the party in his dining hall. Macbeth seeing Banquo's ghost is also the next theme which is things are not what they seem. Things are not what they seem is a theme that occurs early on when Duncan is killed and then when Banquo is also killed, Macbeth starts to get paranoid and starts to see things occur that are not natural. Only Macbeth can see Banquo's ghost because he is guilty of having him killed. The meaning of this theme in the book is we can't always trust what we see or hear. Just as King Duncan says in the book about trusting Macbeth but Macbeth is the reason why Duncan dies. Banquo was Macbeth's best friend and Macbeth had him killed because he was fearful of him.
Fate versus free will is the final theme and shows up when Macbeth sees the dagger that he uses to kill King Duncan floating in front of his face outside of King Duncan's room. The meaning is, let fate take its course. No matter what, if Duncan didn’t come to Macbeth or if he stayed home Macbeth was going to do all he could to kill Duncan and become king because he was told he would become king. Macbeth shows the examples of the theme throughout the entire book. Macbeth has many themes and messages in it to give you a shock. The themes listed above are the most occurring themes and impact the story in the biggest ways. Macbeth is the perfect book if you want to be entertained and learn many lessons from the themes in the book. The themes teach a big lesson’s as read in the paragraphs above, and are a huge part of the book.