
Theo 104 Reflection Paper

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February 4, 2014
THEO 104
Reflection Assignment #1

The two topics I have chosen for my reflection paper are “The Authority of the Bible” and “Faith in God”. I have chosen these two topics because for me they are perhaps the two most important topics that we have discussed so far. What I will attempt to provide in this paper are my personal life experiences and beliefs in regard to my faith in God and the authority of the Bible while reinforcing these personal beliefs with scripture as well as from material that we have read in class.

Faith in God:
Have you ever been going through a hard time and had someone say to you “everything will be fine, all you have to do is have faith.” I know this has happened to me more times than I can even begin to count. And more times than not when I was younger I would simply nod my head and think “yeah right, what does that even mean anyway, have faith?” Well, that’s a great question, because I feel that faith can have a multitude of different meanings. However, the meaning that I want to focus on is bars
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I’m sure that answer would vary from person to person. But for me it was through the saving grace of God that I was able to have faith in God. It wasn’t until I was able to believe that I could be (or was worthy of being) loved that I could begin to understand faith in God. However, once I allowed God to enter my heart that all of my previous conceptions about faith would be changed forever. I associate this time era in my life to the scripture we discussed last week (1 Corinthians 13:11) “When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me.” Meaning for me that my life before God’s grace I was foolish like a child whereas afterwards (after God’s grace) I was able to begin growing as an adult and learning adult (Godly)

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