1. Summary of the Islamic worldview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4…
Sacred texts interact with the key doctrines, as these key doctrines are contained in and expressed through these sacred writings. Furthermore, in order for religion to exist as a dynamic, living entity this doctrinal dimension, as contained in the sacred texts, must also be applicable to the practical demands of daily life. This is where ethics comes into play, as it is ethics, which embodies the doctrines in the form of laws and precepts thus allowing for the practical application of religion. In other words, ethics, which is a system of specific standards by which moral conduct can be judged, is derived from values, which underpin the religious system.…
Elvie, S. (2014). How Does Islam View the Nature of Good and Bad?.In OnIslam. Retrieved September 2, 2014, from http://www.onislam.net/english/ask-about-islam/faith-and-worship/islamic-creed/168612-how-does-islam-view-the-nature-of-good-and-bad.html…
From the “beginning of time”, Judeo/Christian and Islamic religions have shared many of the same common themes throughout multiple aspects of their religious developments. However, this is not to say that they are all the same, although there are many similarities between these religions. To begin, recurring themes which were discovered in the basic principles of these religions such as their creation stories, end of world prophecies, concepts about the afterlife, and behaviors which humans are to demonstrate as to please their utmost higher power, “their God”, will be identified and discussed. Following the previous discoveries, and a greater in depth review of them, differences will be also be brought to attention and discussed as well throughout this report.…
To those outside of the Islamic faith many facts of Islam are a mystery. Within the last decade the religion of Islam has received bad publicity due to the actions of terrorists and Muslim extremists groups. Their actions have created a popular belief that Islam is a cult and Muslim people are hate filled militants that are mainly from one region. The history and practice of Islam is based from a set of beliefs that focus on good will and peace and belief in one God. Muslims all around the world follow these original beliefs however variations in Islam practice and beliefs can also be found depending on region. Islam,…
8- Mr.Jier, 2010, HSC Year – Topic 3 – Islam Depth Study – Rabi 'a and Ethics, myclasses, viewed 24th May 2011, http://www.allsaintscasula.catholic.edu.au/myclasses/Class,102612021849191.…
The problem of evil is a significant and enduring philosophical and theological debate. A question is often raised and discussed: if God is both all-loving and all-powerful, then how can evils-including natural evil and moral evil---exist in our world? In response to the charge that the evils of the world are incompatible with God's omnipotence and perfect goodness, the word"theodicy" is coined to deal with the problem of evil. Usually it is an attempt to show that it is possible to affirm the omnipotence of God, the love of God, and the reality of evil without contradiction. Two of the most well-known and most frequently discussed theodicies are the Augustinian theodicy and the Irenaean theodicy.…
A survey of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam that familiarizes students with their most important theological and ethical dimensions. Among the topics considered are notions of the divine, human existence, and the world. Using both primary and secondary materials, students will examine these religious traditions' diverse perspectives on these topics within their respective historical, social, and cultural contexts. There are no prerequisites for this course.…
Religion has and always will be one of the major forces that drives and has constantly shaped our world. Throughout the centuries wars have been fought, laws have been created, countries and towns have been built and demolished all to protect or to make known a religion. In this paper I will examine the characteristics of the three major Western religions of the world including Judaism, Islam, and Christianity. The origin of all three religions will be covered as well as there view of God and several conflicts they have. Several beliefs such as judgment and the trinity will also be examined..…
Religion takes on many different forms and there are several definitions in as many languages used to describe the practices. For the purposes of this paper, the following basic definition will be used. Religion is the belief in and reverence for a supernatural power or powers regarded as creator and governor of the universe. Also, a personal or institutionalized system grounded in such belief and worship (Company, 2000). This paper will examine three major religions of today: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. An attempt will be made to identify the top two current issues each religion faces as well as look at two sacred traditions and study the significance and major characteristics of each.…
One of the religions that I find intriguing and chose to do an interview about is the Islamic religion. Known as Muslims the members of the Islamic religion originated in Saudi Arabia is the second largest religion in the world today. The founder of this religion was a man by the name of Mohammed. Mohammed was an orphan child his mother passed when he was two years of age and his father passed before he was born he was then raised by his grandfather who also passed and left him in the care of his son, Mohammed set out in search of the truth. Muslims are an organized religion they must adopt the five pillars of Islam which are five duties that each Muslim must commit to in order to be a Muslim. They also must pray five times a day each day and on Fridays they pray together in the Mosque, which is the Holy Temple that Muslims congregate at for worship. Islam is a monotheistic religion and they worship Allah. Mohammed was a prophet who came to bring the word of the holy Koran to the people so that they may find the truth in religion. From the interview that I conducted I found that Mohammed was a peaceful man who sought the truth. Not all Muslims are bad and those who terrorize people are known as extremists. Mohammed himself went to extreme measures to gain followers for this religion, his life story is important to Muslims because he brought the word of God and his teachings and sayings are recorded in the Hadith. The Five Pillars of Islam are five duties that all Muslims must live by in order to be a Muslim – Shahada: The declaration, Salat: Prayer, fasting Sawm: Ramadan, Zakat: charity, Hajj: journey to Mecca at least once in your life if you are healthy enough and your finances permit you to.…
Islam is an ill-perceived religion throughout most of the Western world. Once known as a quiet and peaceful religion, the general perception of people from other religions and most of the world upon Islam is quite distorted. Ever since the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center, an influx of discrimination and prejudice towards Islam and Muslims has spread throughout the world. In “Understanding Islam,” by Kenneth Jost, an article about several accounts of how Muslims are mistreated and stereotyped throughout the world, brings up a recent poll within the United States says that 45 percent of those surveyed has an unfavorable view of Islam. The article also states that a CBS poll in April 2006 found that 46 percent of those surveyed believe Islam encourages violence more than other religions. Westerners must recognize the need to combat the backlash of stereotypes and negativity towards Islam within the 21st century. In order to do so, we must first truly understand Islam by comprehending this unique faith and culture.…
Islam is a world religion and the people who practice it are called Muslims. All Muslims share the same essential beliefs, values and God centered approach to the world. Islam is practiced by people from many different cultures. The Qur’an is the prime source of Muslims’ faith and practice, and the wording has not been changed from when it was originally transcribed fourteen centuries ago. The five pillars of Islam are the basis of a Muslim’s life. They are: • Belief that there is only one God and that Muhammad (pbuh*) is His Last Prophet and Messenger; • Prayers, which are, performed five times each day; • Fasting in the month of Ramadhan; • Charity in which a percentage of earnings is given to the poor; • Pilgrimage (Hajj) to the holy city of Mecca is required once in a lifetime if the means are available. Islamic dress may vary depending on a person’s country of birth or origin. However, it should be modest and dignified for both women and men and should not emphasize the body.…
There is five “pillars” of Islam with having five meaning and five requirements that is expected of all Muslims. Islam beliefs are reflected and shown in the Five Pillars in many different ways. The first one is the Testimony of Faith. The Testimony of Faith is saying with a conviction “There is no God, and Muhammad is his Prophet.” This faith is in one God, if rightly lived is believed to lead to unity with God. The second one is Prayer. Muslims perform five prayers a day and each prayer does not take more than a few minutes to perform. In Islam, prayer is a direct link between the worshipper and God. The third one is giving between two percent and ten percent of income is to be shared with the poor of the community. The fourth one is Fasting the month of Ramadan. Every year in the month of Ramadan all of the Muslims fast from dawn until sundown, having no food, nothing to drink and no sexual relations. For the last one the fifth one the pillar is a big part of the central belief and it says that Muslims have to pilgrimage to Mecca at least once during their lifetime.…
Islam is a religion with well over 1.5 billion followers and believers worldwide. It is intensely practiced in East and North Africa, and largely in the Middle East, in central Asia and in Indonesia. Islam means submission under the will of “Allah” or God. It is also deeply means living in peace, safety and security. It is more than a religion. It is also seen as cultural, political ideas, and artistic orientation. Islam’s core values are explicit: there is only one God and the religion is defined by the Holy Koran (Esposito, 2002). According to the Islamic teachings, religion blended with social life, promoted as a political system encompasses Islamism.…