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1460 Words
Jessica Post
History 14
Research Paper
10 October 2014
Sex. Something that now a days controls the world we live in. It’s something that some people consider sacred and save to do until marriage but also it is something that people give away for free. In California prostitution is illegal but starting around 18th century BCE prostitution became popular. Later on in history the Roman Catholic Church even started allowing it. Theodora was a very important part of the prostitution industry, she also was a role model to women everywhere and changed history with the changes she made to the government. In Theodora’s early life she was raised by a bear keeper and a dancer. Not a very fancy lifestyle they had at all but it lead her to greatness. Although most are unsure of her exact origin she was mostly found in the Hippodrome in Constantinople. She is one of three daughters. This was quite an inconvenience when her father passed away and no one could take over his spot as the bear keeper. Her mother pushed all her girls on stage and encouraged Theodora to become an actress. She was basically born into the industry because she was great at it. The acting industry was not exactly all money and fame like it is now a days. It was a gruesome industry to every extent and the church didn’t agree with its ways. Evans states, “Theater was considered the embodiment of immorality in the sixth century and by the end of the seventh century, the Church would succeed in banning it entirely”. Of course there is a way to get by any law. She soon started dancing in some provocative Burlesque and took her clothes off as much as the law allowed because complete nudity was illegal. Theodora went with all of this and sold her body to many men. She became very popular among many men. Reports show that she had a daughter before her marriage with Justinian and perhaps even a son. She was not ashamed of her daughter at all in any way but she didn’t claim the son which

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