1. The progressive movement is considered by some the origin of which social/political ideology? Liberalism 2. Progressives believed that government should protect the people and promote the social welfare of people through which means? Legislation 3. It was an important social issue concerning equality that the Progressives advocated? Women’s Suffrage 4. List five issues that defined the Progressive Movement: a. Women’s Suffrage b. Rate Control on Utilities c. Prohibition d. End Child labor e. Immigration restrictions f. Americanization of immigrants g. Political Reform/Stop political machines h. Anti-trust legislation i. End prostitution and sweatshops 5. Who worked in the vast majority of “settlement houses” across the country? Middle-class women and men 6. What was the purpose of the “settlement houses”? To improve the lives of poor families by providing amenities and services that were not provided by government, such as clubs, classes, social gatherings, playgrounds, arts programs, sports and summer camps, clean milk stations, well-baby clinics 7. What was the name of the first “settlement house”? University Settlement House in London/ in US Hull 8. Although “settlement houses” do not exist today, what private institutions carry out many of the same purposes? Homeless Shelters/YMCA, Salvation Army, United Way, religious groups 9. What was the service that some “settlement houses” provided that has been adopted by many school districts? Kindergarten 10. Who were two women important to the “settlement house” concept? Jane Addams and Ellen Gates Starr 11. What was the name of the famous Chicago “settlement house”? Hull House
12. What two factors were primarily responsible for the rapid growth of American’s urban