Theodore Roosevelt Report
To many, Theodore Roosevelt is just one of the 44 presidents staring blankly out of a U.S. History textbook page, but he, along with three other noteworthy presidents, is immortalized in stone on Mt. Rushmore for a reason. His remarkable life story began even before his presidency: he “rose like a rocket” in his political position through introducing modern technology and reforms to the police system, and gained glory as a volunteer in the Rough Riders during their victory at San Juan Hill in Cuba. On September 14, 1901, Roosevelt succeeded President William McKinley and became the youngest to ever become president. He was the first to perform an assortment of other feats, such as riding an airplane and submarine, winning the Nobel Peace Prize, and most importantly, becoming the first modern president. He referred to the White House as a “bully pulpit” (a position sufficiently conspicuous to provide an opportunity to speak out and be listened to), while regulating monopolies--from which he gained the title of “trust buster”--and enforcing a program of domestic reforms that he coined “the square deal.” His beliefs were based on the “stewardship theory of presidency,” which directs the president “to do anything that the needs of the Nation demanded unless such action was forbidden by the Constitution or by the laws.” Unlike his predecessors, Roosevelt did not remain in the comfort of the White House, but instead traveled to other countries for campaigns, becoming the first president to leave the United States. His destinations included Africa, where he sought artifacts for the Smithsonian, hunting, and writing inspiration; and Panama, where he undertook the construction of the Panama Canal--the “greatest achievement of [his] presidency.” However, after a narrow escape from an assassination attempt during his Bull Moose campaign, Roosevelt retreated to his home in Sagamore Hill, where he stayed for 34 years until his death in 1919, due to cardiovascular disease.
Whether due to winning the first Nobel Prize or undertaking the construction of the Panama Canal, President Roosevelt has certainly paved the road for his successors by starting an era of modernization for the United States presidency.