For Roosevelt the term ‘’strenuous life’’ was broad and it had many different meanings. Inspired by his personal experiences such as challenges, failures, and overcoming, Roosevelt defines strenuous life as confidence, hope, determination, responsibility, achievement, toil, and dedication not only for a singular person but also for American nation as a whole.
The strenuous life makes the men responsible to be a good father and husband. ‘’The man must be glad to do a man’s work, to dare and endure and to labor; to keep himself, and to keep those dependent upon him,’’ (2), said Roosevelt. From your sweat, you will eat the bread. As a man, you have the responsibility of your family and to be a good father and husband require working hard, providing food, clothes, health care, home, and education. In other words, providing a comfortable life for those who depend exclusively on you. Being a good father or husband not only apply working hard and provide the …show more content…
‘’When man fear work or fear righteous war, when women fear motherhood, they tremble on the brink of doom,’’ said Roosevelt, ‘’ and well it is that they should vanish from the earth, where they are fit subjects for the scorn of all men and women who are themselves strong and brave and high-minded.’’ Like if you don't follow the same path you will not fit in the American society. You are seen as an extraterrestrial or someone who is outside of the standards required or established by