
Theological Research Paper: Nine Spiritual Gifts

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Nine Spiritual Gifts
Theological Research Paper 1 THEO 350-B03 Fall 2010 Dave Sheeley September 26,2010

Why would a word that simply means gifts of grace scare so many people? Could it be that charismatic is a grossly misunderstood term by a great percentage of the Christian community? Are these signs as they are used today simply for the visual benefit of the instigators or are they truly inspired gifts from God?
There are some basic facts about spiritual gifts that seem to be agreed upon by the majority of people who believe that Jesus Christ is their Lord and savior.
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Gifts of Inspiration; tongues, interpretation of tongues and prophecy 2. Gifts of Revelation; word of knowledge, word of wisdom and discerning the spirits 3. Gifts of Power; gift of faith, gifts of healing and working of miracles
These gifts were so prevalent and common in the first century of the church that all churches had manifestations included in their services. This has given those who are believers in cessationism, (an end of charismatic gift after the first century), a strong argument. If during the first century all churches had all nine gifts why would the Holy Spirit put a limit on the number of gifts a church could have. Since most churches practicing tongues today are not utilizing all nine gifts in every service as was done in the first century.
There are several arguments that are used by those opposed to Charismatic gifts in today’s church; 1. We do not need spiritual gifts we have the bible, a common scripture used to back up this argument is 1Cor 13:8-13. Interestingly those that believe in the continuation of the charismatic gifts use 1Cor. 1:7 and the same scriptures as their opponents (1Cor. 13:8-13) to point out that the gifts are connected to the return of Christ and not the completion of the

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