1. Scripture
In most instances, the word scripture often refers to passages extracted from articles, books, and/or from the writings. In addition, it is also a statement commanding and depicting authority. For many Christians, the Bible is the most prevalent and common reference of the scriptures found in the Old and New Testaments. In this context, almost all Christians pay their beliefs to the Bible that is the direct and literal word from God as the highest authority. This is in reference to religious beliefs and practices. However, there are differentiated views regarding the extent and nature of the Bible’s authority and inspiration. These beliefs in most instances associate with Christian doctrines regarding the scriptures found in this book. In 2005, a poll conducted by Gallup concluded that 17% of Canadians and 34% of Americans believe that Christian practice and doctrines are on the basis of focusing on the scriptures alone and leaving out the authors.
In contrast, there are liberal Christians who believe that foresee the Bible as a book tailored and written by man. They argue that there are controversies surrounding the book in the context of limitations furthered by situations and perspectives of the human authors as depicted in the scriptures. However, the Bible is a valuable guiding tool and it is not entirely authoritative. In addition, it is crucial to consider assimilating its application in these modern times. In other reports, Gorgons concluded that 51% of Canadians and 48% of Americans admit that the Biblical scriptures are God’s inspired word and that not all content is literally applicable.
It is also crucial to illustrate the varied views regarding scriptures by Christians. This is in reflecting various Christian denominations and churches on the significance of these scriptures. The Assemblies of God refer to the both scriptures (old and new testament) as verbal inspirations by God and are revelations of God in