Anointing of the sick
1. When should anointing of the sick be administered? Who may receive this sacrament?
The anointing of the sick should only be administered when the person is dying or has a serious illness. Anyone who have received the sacrament of baptism and has reached the age of reason (age of seven) could receive this sacrament provided that he or she is in grave danger of death due to sickness or old age, not necessarily at the point of death.
2. How does the physical sickness affect the psychological and spiritual aspect of the person?
Physical illness contributes greatly to a person’s outlook in life. A person suffering form head ache, for example, has the tendency to lash out at others or get angry easily. When a person’s sickness causes pain, it induces a certain level of stress both at the psychological and spiritual aspect of the person. We lose faith; we become negative and depressed, and thus lead to a deterioration of one’s mental and spiritual being.
3. What is the sensible sign of this sacrament and its meaning, symbol and implication?
The sensible signs of this sacrament are the oil and laying on of hands. The oil is called oil of the sick symbolizing healing, as was used during the time of Jesus as a form of treatment. The laying on of the hands signifies the sending of the Holy Spirit by Jesus, on the sick person.
4. Who is the only minister of this sacrament? Why?
The only minister of the sacrament of anointing the sick will be priests and not lay persons or deacons. This is because of the special property of the sacrament which with the minister, representing or becoming the visible instrument of Christ, performs rituals in the sacrament that can only be validly performed by priests, thus it is presumed that the minister of the sacrament must be a priest.
5. What is the purpose of this sacrament to the sick people and to the dying people?
The purpose of this sacrament is healing not just physical illnesses, which