Chapter 1. Theoretical grounds of characteristics of language and its functions.
1. Characteristics of the English language 1. English as an analytical language……………………………………..5 2. Relation between units in the English language……………………….6
1.1.3. Structure of the English language……………………………………..8
1.2.1. Functions of the English language……………………………………11
Chapter 2.1. Practical usage of functions of the English language
Literature used
Language is an integral part of social human being and indispensable condition of existing of modern society. The history of its development maybe began with the foundation of linguistics; after all, linguistics itself has only been established in its present form for a few decades. But people have been studying language since the invention of writing, and no doubt long before that too. As in many other subjects, the use and then the study of language for practical purposes preceded the reflective process of scholarly study. In ancient India, for example, the need to keep alive the correct pronunciation of ancient religious texts led to the investigation of articulator phonetics, while in ancient Greece the need for a technical and conceptual vocabulary to use in the logical analysis of propositions resulted in a system of parts of speech which was ultimately elaborated far beyond the immediate requirements of the philosophers who had first felt the need for such categories [12].
Afterwards language was the focus of researches among many scientists, psychologists and neurolinguists. Language is not just a rare accumulation of it’s units – phonemes, morphemes, lexemes and constructions. It’s a difficult and multilevel engine which has it’s inner structure.
As Slolntsev admits, language as a system is not just sum of sentences, but the complex of rules, that help to build a sentence, and great amount of sensful and meaningful units, that are used according this rules [5].