Theory of Business Law (BLS-621): Assessment Essay on
Submitted to: Ato Elias Nour
Prepared By: Id no.:
Elashadai Mammo GSR/6806/03
AAU, Faculty of Law November, 2011
INTRODUCTION SECTION ONE: Overview on public interest and expropriation 1.1 Introductory notes on expropriation 1.2 Definition of public interest as aground of Expropriation SECTION TWO: Fundamental theories of property and the public interest limitation. 2.1 Hobbesean Theory Of Property 2.2 Lockean Theory Of Property 2.3 Marxian Theory Of Property. 2.4 Ethiopian Theory Of Property 2.5 Concluding Remarks CONCLUSION BIBLIOGRAPHY
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In various human right instruments, both international and domestic, property rights constitute tenets of human right. Their essence and relation to human beings have been explained in a number of theories. These theories, in similar manner, indicate that property rights are subjected to limitation. No property right is absolute. In fact, this point is a feature of all limitation. In most, of all cases, individual rights are subjected to collective interests, which also hold true to property rights. One among others is expropriation, the theme of this study. Here in, public interest limitation will be examined from the perspective of various theories of property. Theoretical investigation of the matter would be done. Hence, laws and policies will be examined. In Section One an overview on expropriation and public interest is given. After setting this background on the two concepts, Section Two discusses about the different theories of property and how they support or neglect the concept of expropriation. Finally, an analysis on the Ethiopian law from these perspectives follows.
OVERVIEW ON PUBLIC INTEREST AND EXPROPRIATION 1.1 Introductory notes on expropriation
Ownership has been recognized as the widest right on property
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