This piece of academic writing is about a student teacher that is currently on their teacher-training placement. It will be discussing two theories of learning and how they affect the student teachers teaching techniques and promote inclusive learning. Learning theories are used to create different methods of portraying information to the learners, these theories mould the way in which we teach and the strategies and techniques we use. Willis (1990) gave insight to how learning should be initiated by the teacher proposing ‘learning needs to be presented in the language of the learner in order to be accessible’. Students learn in their own way and factors influence this, so in different environments or for different students, some learning theories will work better than others.
The behaviorist theory came about in the 20th century when it is was though that human learning could be predicted by the study of animals, at the time they experimented the use of stimuli to see the outcome from the animals.
"The behaviorist learning theory suggests that we learn by receiving a stimulus that provokes a response. So long as that response is reinforced in some way that response will be repeated."(Reece, Walker, 2006, pg81) Pavlov and Watson were one of the first to experiment with this and many people criticised them but it was proving to work, a bit like when you smell your favourite food, it sparks certain emotions that make you feel a certain way, this when put into the classroom can be used as a trigger for different activities or to calm behaviour. It is about getting the students to associate in the classroom, which will benefit the learning environment. Learning by association is considered a behavioural view and can be used within the lesson to trigger different parts of a lesson depending on what the task is. Within Design and Technology subject, lessons are normally broken up into practical based learning and theory based