Aldridge & Goldman (2007) concluded from their research that “No one theory has proved adequate to describe and explain learning or development” (Aldridge & Goldman, 2007). But many have tried. The progression of this field has therefore led to several different perspectives; Gesell’s ‘Maturational Theory’ (1925) and Freud’s Psychoanalytic theory (1935) were among the first approaches, with Skinners ‘Behaviourist Theory’ (1974) and Piaget’s constructivist theory (1952) being introduced later on (Aldridge & Goodman, 2007). More recently (1978) the ‘Socio-historical Approach’ belonging predominately to Vygotsky and Bruner’s ‘Information-Processing Theory’ have been some of the most prominent.
Piaget’s model of cognitive development was mostly ignored for over twenty years (Wood, 1998). Nevertheless, since then, Piaget’s theory is included in most child development text books, and many argue that it has had the most influence on the subject of cognitive development (Jarvis & Chandler, 2001). Piaget’s own terminology for the area he was interested in was ‘Genetic Epistemology’; that is, the measure of intelligence and how it changes as children grow. According to
References: Gross, R (2010) Psychology The Science of Mind and Behaviour, Sixth edition, Oxon, Hodder Education. Wood, D (1999) How Children Think and Learn Second Edition, Oxford, Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Sternberg, RJ (1995) In Search of The Human Mind, Florida, Harcourt Brace & Company. Smith, P, Cowie, H, Blades, M (2003) Understanding Children’s Development 4th Edition, Oxford, Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Jarvis, M & Chandler E (2001) Angles on Child Psychology, Cheltenham, Nelson Thornes Ltd Boyd, D & Bee, H (2014) The Developing Child, Thirteeth edition, Edinburgh, Pearson Education Ltd. Aldridge, J, Goldman, R 2007 Excerpt from Current Issues and Trends In Education, p. 96-99.Pearson Allyn Bacon Prentice Hal, Merrill, an imprint of Pearson Education Inc. available at: accessed on 07/03/2014, Updated on Dec 8, 2010. Wankat, P, Orevicz, F (1993) Teaching Engineering, USA, McGraw-Hill Inc ,US excerpt available at: accessed on 06/03/2014. Pines, M. (1997). The civilizing of genie. Available at accessed on 09/03/2014