CYP 3.1 2.3
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|Theory |What it states |How it influences current practice |
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|Cognitive |It states that children do not use the same rules of logic for solving problems as adults do. As children’s |In schools, teaching should be carried out at a level and style to match |
|(e.g. Piaget) |experiences change, they alter and adapt to what they believe. As children gain experiences they then expand|the needs and current way of thinking of the individual child, Lessons |
| |and broaden their learning – eventually being able to think about experiences themselves that are not yet |should be broken down into time allotments that will hold the child’s |
| |developed. |attention span.Teaching a child through ‘phonics’ and ‘number lines’ will |
| | |help them to expand and improve their understanding in numeracy and |
| |Piaget stated that children learn through the play process. He suggested that when teaching children, |literacy.Practical work should be included – allowing children to work and|
| |appropriate