10. CHUNKING Chunking is the Phono-Graphix approach to the reading and spelling of multisyllable words. Word chunks are similar to what most of us learned as syllables. The distinction is that chunks are based on the way a word sounds, not the way it looks. People may hear chunks differently, for example: one person may hear village as vill age whereas another may hear it as vi llage. Both are correct, and with longer words there can be even more possibilities. The only “rule” is that there must be at least one vowel in each chunk. A few more examples: Sat has one chunk: sat Feather has two chunks: fea ther or feath er Artifact has three chunks: ar ti fact or art i fact January has four chunks: Jan u ar y or Jan u a ry When first working with the chunking process, it’s especially helpful to tap out or clap each chunk of a word, as the activity provides a way to take in the chunks through multiple sensory channels. When your child is attempting to read/spell words with two or more chunks, you might want to try the following strategy: Say the word aloud. Clap/tap the word and determine the number of chunks. Write each chunk individually, saying each individual sound while writing. Example: · Word: monument · Chunks: three · Chunks in writing: mon u ment or mon um ent · You can also draw a vertical line between each chunk, rather than separating them with a space. If you want to make the chunking process even more visual: Draw rectangles to correspond to the number of chunks in the words. Write each chunk in a rectangle, saying each individual sound while writing. When done via chunking, children see that reading/spelling multisyllable words is really a process of combining short words, real and/or nonsense. The prospect of reading and spelling l-o-n-g words then becomes much less daunting! In time, children will find that decoding and spelling longer words becomes much more automatic