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Review Of Mathematical Background: Sets, Functions, Logical statements, Proofs, Relations, Languages, The Principal of Mathematical induction, the strong principle of Mathematical induction, Recursive definitions, Structural Induction. Regular Languages And Finite Automata: Regular expressions, Regular languages, Memory required to recognize a language , Finite automata, Distinguishable strings, Union, intersection and complement of regular languages. Nondeterminism And Kleen’s Theorem: Non-deterministic finite automata, Non deterministic finite automata with ^ transitions, Kleen's theorem. Regular And Non Regular Language: Minimization of Finite automata, Non-regular and regular languages, Pumping Lemma, Decision problems and decision algorithms, Regular languages in relation to programming languages. Context-Free Languages And Push-Down Automata: Context-free languages, Regular Grammars , Derivation tree and ambiguity, An Unambiguous CFG , Simplified and Normal forms, Chomsky normal form. Pushdown Automata And CFL: Push-Down Automata, Definition and examples, Deterministic PDA, Types of acceptances and their equivalence, Equivalence of CFG and PDA, Introduction to parsing, Top-down and bottomup parsing, Non-CFL and CFL, Pumping Lemma for CFL, Intersection and Complement of CFL. Turing Machine: Models of computation, TM definition, Combining TMs, Computing a function with TMs. Variations on Turing Machines, Doubly infinite and more than one Tapes, Non-deterministic and Universal TM Reference Books: 1. Introduction to Languages and Theory of Computation By John C. Martin , McGraw-Hill 1991. 2. Computation : Finite and Infinite By Marvin L. Minsky, Prentice-Hall, 1967 3. Introduction to formal languages By G. E. Reevsz, Mc-graw hill. 4. Formal language theory By M.