CJA 530 Ethics in Justice and Security
February 21, 2011
Theory of Justice
There are many different definitions of justice. Along with definitions there are the many theories to go along with them. Philosophers throughout time have theorized and formed what justice is. In the following paper I will discuss and analyze some of the theories I have discovered in my research.
Principles of Justice
When looking at principles of justice we first need to understand what the definition of justice is. According to the legal dictionary (2010) the definition is fairness, moral rightness, a system of law in which every person receives their due from the system including all rights.” Justice is comprised of our needs, fair share, fair play, standing and trust. Cicero once sai “the Foundation of justice is good faith” The main theory of justice is that it is designed to be fair and an impartial point of view that has been adopted into our reasoning.
Basically, the theory of justice guides us to look and study the writings from philosophers like Rawls, Locke, and Hobbes. Locke’s view on justice was based on the social contract theory. This belief is that free people need to agree on some ground rules in order to live together. There are also specific theories dependent on the type of justice. There is the principle that pertains to a distributive style of justice which basically determines justice as to what is the fair share. Then there is restorative justice. Restorative Justice is how we react to an activity that violates what society deems fair play.
The principles of justice need to be fair to those involved and need to be consistent. This of course is barring any extenuating circumstances and if these circumstances exist there needs to be a vital difference so no other solution can be applied. “Perfect wisdom has four parts, viz., wisdom, the principle of doing things aright; justice, the principle of doing things equally in public and