Health Policy: Childhood Obesity
The childhood obesity has become a burning issue of the contemporary society with vivid example seen in the United States of America and other countries. In spite of the actions taken by the local governments and on the national level, we still have “one-third of American children overweight or obese and national health care spending on obesity nearing $150 billion annually” (National Conference of State Legislatures, 2013). In this respect, the funding is inappropriate, because there are no improvements seen either in the nearest future or within the long-term perspective. The resources available include legislature to be introduced with the expected outcomes of reducing the childhood obesity by 5 per cent and health care savings reaching as much as $29 billion annually (National Conference of State Legislatures, 2013).
The recommendations include a list of corresponding legislature enacted in all the states opposed to current application of separate positions enacted in 2011. For instance, the State of Georgia as well as the State of Maine has enacted School Nutrition and Physical Education/Physical Activity options, while Nutrition Education and School Nutrition options are available to schoolchildren in the State of Louisiana (National Conference of State Legislatures, 2013). In other words, most states have only applied one of the six options available, whereas a combination of at least three would be more effective in case of such an elevated level of childhood obesity in all states with no exceptions.
Dietary behavior, food environment, and physical activity are listed as the factors influencing the obesity trends in the United States. As suggested in the graphs demonstrating the obesity trends in adult population of the America since 1990 to 2009, the fast increase of the obese people is due to dietary behaviors (consumption of sugar sweetened
References: Cawley, J., & Liu, F. (2008). Correlates of state legislative action to prevent childhood obesity. Obesity, 16(1), 162–167. Retrieved from National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. (January 7, 2013). Healthy communities: What local governments can do to reduce and prevent obesity. Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity. Retrieved from National Conference of State Legislatures. (February, 2013). Childhood obesity – 2011 update of legislative policy options. Retrieved from