
Theory of Social Marketing

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Theory of Social Marketing
Theories and Models in Social Marketing
Reference: Lefebvre, RC (2000). In PN Bloom & GT Gundlach (Eds.), Handbook of Marketing and Society, Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications.
Theories and models for social marketing abound, with little formal consensus on which types of models for what types of social problems in what kinds of situations are most appropriate. In defining what social marketing is, many authors include the notion of exchange theory to link it to its marketing roots (e.g., Kotler & Roberto, 1989; Lefebvre & Flora, 1988; Novelli, 1990). Other writers on the subject omit any mention of exchange theory, either in their definition of social marketing or its key elements (e.g., Andreasen, 1995; Manoff, 1985). Elliott (1991), in a review of the exchange concept’s place in social marketing, concludes that “[it] is either absent or obtuse” (page 157). Added to this confusion are other authors who refer to a “social marketing theory” (Gries, Black & Coster, 1995; Tomes, 1994).
While authors such as Lefebvre & Rochlin (1997) and Novelli (1990) recognize the value of the exchange concept in describing social marketing, both hold open the idea that many other theoretical models may be applied in the actual development of social marketing programs. “Marketing is theory based. It is predicated on theories of consumer behavior, which in turn draw upon the social and behavioral sciences” (Novelli, 1990, p.343). In fact, this is what happens in the practice of social marketing. However, Walsh, Rudd, Moeykens & Maloney (1993) have noted that “professional social marketers tend to be broadly eclectic and intuitive tinkerers in their use of available theory (p. 115).” So while a review of theoretical models used in social marketing seems
Theories and models in social marketing – Page 2 relevant to advance the field, it is also speculative as well. Many social marketers do not report on their work in professional journals or at conferences, and of those who do,

References: Andreasen, Alan R. Marketing Social Change (1995). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers. Bryant, Carol A., Melinda S. Forthofer, Kelli McCormack Brown and Robert J. McDermott (1999), “Community-Based Prevention Marketing,” Social Marketing Quarterly, 5(3), 54-59. Elliott, Barry J. (1991) “A Re-Examination of the Social Marketing Concept,” Unpublished Master’s Thesis, Sydney, University of New South Wales. Janz, Nancy K. and Marshall H. Becker (1984), “The Health Belief Model: A Decade Later,” Health Education Quarterly, 11, 1-47. Farquhar, John W., Nathan Maccoby and Douglas S. Solomon (1984), “Community Applications of Behavioral Medicine,” in Handbook of Behavioral Medicine, W. Doyle Gentry, ed, New York: The Guilford Press, 437-478. Glanz, Karen, Frances Marcus Lewis and Barbara K. Rimer, eds. Health Behavior and Health Education (2nd ed; 1997). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers. Kotler, Phillip and Eduardo L. Roberto. Social Marketing (1989). New York: The Free Press. Lerman, Caryn and Karen Glanz (1997), “Stress, Coping and Health Behavior,” in Health Behavior and Health Education (2nd ed), Karen Glanz, F.M. Lewis and B.K. Rimer, eds, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 113-138. Lefebvre, R. Craig (1990), “Strategies to Maintain and Institutionalize Successful Programs: A Marketing Framework,” in Health Promotion at the Community Level, Neil Bracht, ed., Newburg Park, CA: Sage. Lefebvre, R. Craig and June A. Flora (1988), “Social Marketing and Public Health Intervention,” Health Education Quarterly, 15, 299-315. Lefebvre, R. Craig, Thomas M. Lasater, Richard A. Carleton, and Gussie Peterson (1987), “Theory and Delivery of Health Programming in the Community: The Pawtucket Heart Health Program”, Preventive Medicine, 16, 80-95. Lefebvre, R.C., Carol Olander and Elyse Levine (1999). “The Impact of Multiple Chaneel Delivery of Nutrition Messages on Student Knowledge, Motivation and Behavior: results from the Team Nutrition Pilot Study,” Social Marketing Quarterly 5(3), 90-98. Lefebvre, R. Craig and Lisa Rochlin (1997) “Social Marketing,” in Health Behavior and Health Education (2nd ed), Karen Glanz, F.M. Lewis and B.K. Rimer, eds, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 384-402. Manoff, Richard K. Social Marketing (1985), New York, Praeger. McKee, Neill, Social Mobilization and Social Marketing in Developing Communities (1992). Panang, Malaysia; Southbound. Morris, Louis A, Ellen Tabak and Nancy J. Olins (1992), “A Segmentation Analysis of Prescription Drug Information-Seeking Motives Among the Elderly,” Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, 11(2), 115-125. Murray, Glen. G. and Ronald R. Douglas (1988), “Social Marketing in the Alcohol Policy Arena,” British Journal of Addiction, 83, 505-511. Novelli, William D. (1990), “Applying Social Marketing to Health Promotion and Disease Prevention,” in Health Behavior and Health Education, Karen Glanz, F.M. Lewis and B.K. Rimer, eds, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 342-369. Oldenburg, Brian, Deborah M. Hardcastle and Gerjo Kok (1997), “Diffusion of Innovations,” in Health Behavior and Health Education(2nd ed), Karen Glanz, F.M. Lewis and B.K. Rimer, eds, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 270-286. Piotrow, Phylilis Tilson, D. Lawrence Kincaid, Jose G. Rimon II, and Ward Rinehart, Health Communication (1997). Westport, Connecticut: Praeger Publishers. Redmond, William H. (1996), “Product Disadoption: Quitting Smoking as a Diffusion Process,” Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, 15 (1), 87-97. Rogers, Everett M. Diffusion of Innovations (1983), New York: The Free Press. Rothman, Jack, Joseph G. Teresa, Terrence L Kay and Gershom Clark Morningstar Marketing Human Service Innovations (1983). Beverly Hills: Sage Publications. Slater, Michael D. and June A. Flora (1991), “Health Lifestyles: Audience Segmentation Analysis for Public Health Interventions,” Health Education Quarterly, 18(2), 221-233. Strecher, Victor J. and Irwin M. Rosenstock (1997). “The Health Belief Model,” in Health Behavior and Health Education, Karen Glanz, F.M. Lewis and B.K. Rimer, eds, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 41-59. Sutton, Sharyn M., George I. Balch and R. Craig Lefebvre (1995), “Strategic Questions for Consumer-Based Health Communication,” Public Health Reports, 9, 725-733. Tomes, Keith (1994). “Marketing and the Mass Media: Theory and Myth,” Health Education Research, 9 (2), 165-169. Williams, Janice E. and June A. Flora (1995), “Health Behavior Segmentation and Campaign Planning to Reduce Cardiovascular Disease Risk Among Hispanics,” Health Education Quarterly, 22(1), 36-48. Winett, Richard A. (1995), “A Framework for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Programs,” American Psychologist, 50, 341-350.

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