Throughout this essay I will refer to myself as the Student nurse. The clinical
example that shall be used, will be based from experiences within a
community mental health setting for adults, where a care programme
approach was applied. It will describe the settings and the importance
of therapeutic engagement of the service user and the student- nurse.
The intention of this essay will be to describe the main features of the
therapeutic relationship in terms of the experience between the student-nurse
and the service user. The essay will present a progressive picture of
therapeutic interaction, in the varying stages of the service user’s illness.
There will be shared thoughts and feelings about working with clients with
mental health problems.
It will relate the theoretical framework to the actual hands on experience
in a community setting, drawing out the main advantages and disadvanges in
relation to practice. The student-nurse will discuss the different stages
throughout their developing relationship with the service user. They will also
share their thoughts and feelings about their experience and aspects of the
service users Illness. There will also be theoretical nursing model applied to
the care of the service user. These models include Carl Roger’s
person centred counselling(1902-1987), Hildegard Palau’s developmental
stages of the Nurse-client relationship (1909 -1999), and also Phil Barker’s
tidal model.
Hildagard Peplau (1998) defines the therapeutic relationship as the
foundation of nursing practice in addition to people who are experiencing
threats to their mental health. The therapeutic nurse-patient relationship
evolves from. She
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