Within my job setting there are a number of patients whose communication needs must be addressed in order to build a positive relationship. Examples of these needs are:…
Communication is a two-way process called an interaction, and it is important that we observe an individual’s reaction while communicating, so that any problems can be identified and dealt with. In order to be effective in providing care and support, we must learn to be a good communicator and understand communication is about much more than just talking to people. People communicate through facial expressions, body language, dress, gestures etc.…
Many times an individual is embarrassed to revel symptoms or past medical history in fear they might be rejected or judged. The thought of another patient getting a glimpse of their medical chart is reason to withhold information or perhaps the medication prescribed makes them feel strange or sick? No matter their reasoning, holding back pertinent information could be costly and in worst cases deadly. There are a plethora of ways healthcare providers can ease the minds of individuals and ensure the line of communication between them stays open and honest. Patients want to believe their healthcare provider truly cares for their well-being. Verbal and non-verbal communication helps providers express interest and concerns to patients. Making eye contact, listening and questioning with thought, demonstrating understanding and compassion are examples of verbal and non-verbal communication. Bridging any social gap that may be present will help establish open communication between provider and patient. Viewing the relationship as a partnership in which each party contributes to maximize the outcome is an essential element in provider/patient relationships. The choice of words a provider uses can affect the line of communication between them and their patients a great deal. If an individual has no knowledge of the medical terms a physician is using they may become embarrassed by it and not ask the proper questions…
There are a basic number of reasons why people need to communicate : To make relationships ( these relationships may be with family of patients,carers or colleagues), to develop relationships ( maintaining a friendly and supportive approach or being interested in other people are doing and feeling), to obtain and sharing information ( it may need to obtain and share info about patients with colleagues and other professionals to ensure the team is fully informed), to express thoughts and ideas ( it may need to share thoughts about care issues or aspects of practice with colleagues), to give and receive support ( time and attention to develope patient’s self-confidence), to express feelings,wishes,needs and preferences (finding ways of encouraging patients to express their feelings and to talk about how they wish to be treated,as well as to say what they like and dislike).…
Different cultures perceive different messages in many ways. What may be allowed by one culture may not be permitted in another. In any conversation there may be a level of uncertainty and anxiety, but learning cultural differences and what is allowed can make for comforting conversation. Maintaining eye contact, not using hand gestures, or touch can allow room for healthy communication and for the patient to build trust. Asking questions, listening attentively to what is said and using your assessment skills while communicating can also help to ease the patient anxiety and to open up to you as their provider. “Patients are active agents who can influence the way health communication is conducted. For example, doctors are sometimes criticized for doing most of the talking in medical encounters. At the same time, however, patients are known to be particularly submissive around…
Communication, according to the Free Dictionary, is “the exchange of thoughts, messages, or information, as by speech, signals, writing or behaviors”. It is vital in the development and maintenance of personal and professional relationships. It is important to understand communication also includes non-verbal as well as verbal acts. According to Rane (2010), 93% of communication is nonverbal and body language is an effective nonverbal communication tool. There are two essential components in communication, which are a sender and receiver of a message. In the personal and professional health care communication paper, I will discuss the definition of healthcare communication, the relevancy of effective personal healthcare communication to health outcomes, how the lack of effective personal and professional healthcare communications contributes to poor health outcomes, and the theories and principles of therapeutic communication in health care settings for the healthcare professional (UOP, 2012).…
| Review strategies used in health & social care environments to overcome barriers to effective communication & interpersonal interactions…
Both the physician and the patient should be very clear on what they say to one another is very important. Sometimes the patient can be unclear, uncertain or restricted information that is provided regarding one’s symptoms and experiences from the past, the diagnosis the physician’s gives may be inaccurate, leading to mistreatment of the condition. In order to obtain effective communication in the health care, one needs to learn how to speak with patients, families, care givers, consultants, and referring physicians. It is important to the care of the patient that the doctor develops a plan to communicate with anyone who plays a role in the patient’s well-being. Talking one-on-one with the patient is also very important, not only with the first encounter, also through the treatment and care phases. Doctors, nurses, technicians, and counselors all should communicate with each other to help cut down on…
The goal of this relationship is not only to gather and give information but also is to promote healing and recovery of the patient. This is achieved through therapeutic communication which “ is the primary means through which nurse and client exchange information about health matters, plan treatment approaches, reach consensus about treatment decisions, conduct treatment activities, and evaluate clinical outcomes” (Arnold & Boggs, 2011, p. 175). Therapeutic communication has specific characteristics that make it different from social communication. According to Arnold and Boggs (2011) therapeutic communication is time limited, confidential, has defined format and health related purpose. It is client centered, which means it encourages client to express his feelings and ideas regarding his illness, and provides client with information and support need to reach maximum well-being. Therapeutic communication uses verbal and nonverbal strategies to show the interest of the listener and help clients to open up about their feelings. It starts with active listening, when the provider listens to the client and uses open-ended questions, general leads, restating, paraphrasing, acknowledging feelings, and reflection to encourage client to focus and continue expressing his feelings. The use of silence gives participants time to think and highlights important conversation points. Health care…
Communication has many roles and functions. It helps people to inform people of your thoughts ideas and opinions and help them to understand them too. It also can be used to help people in an emotional and social way (making friends, socialising etc.). Communication can also be used to assess a patient’s condition, build a trusting a respectful relationships and motivate them. All of these will help the patient’s self-esteem and will help to reduce barriers between professional and service users…
What I have learned about therapeutic communication is that if you listen and interact with the patient in a way that is not threatening to them, they are more likely going to share more information and be more open to answering your questions. What I have learned about non therapeutic communication is that your nonverbal behaviors play a big part in the patient and nurse relationship. What I mean by that is your nonverbal behaviors tell the patient something about you and how you’re feeling when in reality you may or may not feel that way. If the patient sees your nonverbal behaviors and interprets them in a wrong way you and the patient are going to have a hard time communicating with each other. Some ways I can improve upon my nurse- patient…
Communication is the process of sending or receiving messages between two or more individuals. Effective communication is more than just talking, and is essential for the well-being of the individuals you care for. Communication includes body language, gestures, facial expressions, positioning and appearance. It is important to be aware of non-verbal communication when interacting with individuals at work. Communication is essential in a health and social care setting, there are many reasons to communicate and it is essential communication be done effectively without misunderstanding others or being misunderstood. In my role the range of groups and individuals whose communication needs I must address are:…
Studying social and psychological conditions and learning how to cope with different medical communication situations will help increase how patients and caregivers communicate.…
Correct communication with patients build good relation with them. Effective communication with other professionals and/or parents are very important as it build our relationship in a Team and professional picture of our work place.…
Communication is a way to interact with people. There are various ways people communicate, for example; verbally communicating with somebody, or sometimes more than one person. This can also be paired with other types of communication such as facial expressions and reflexive listening. Communication is important in health and social care settings as it helps the service user and care worker understand one and another. If effective communication does not happen, it is lead to misunderstanding or misinterpretation because the person providing the service was not trained in understanding expressions, gestures, body language, and emotions. This may because different people may express themselves and communicate in different ways due to culture.…