How many grams of fat do you consume on an average day? 2. How many calories does this represent? 3. What percentage of your total energy is contributed by fat?…
Vicky having diabetes limits her on foods she can eat, for example if she has diabetes type 2 she will need to eat foods low in fat and sugar due to the fact she has high blood sugar level. Example; fruits, vegetables, bread, nuts…
Medical Nutrition Therapy: The integration of nutrition counseling and dietary changes based on individual medical and health needs, to treat a patient’s medical condition.…
“American Me” is a fictional film having a factual basis, starring and directed by Edward James Olmos. Released to the national theater circuit in 1992, “American Me” depicts the life of Rodolfo Cadena, a ranking Carnal (gang member) in the prison gang La Eme, also known as the Mexican Mafia. To therapeutically approach the salience and pervasiveness of gang membership, including its allure and reinforcers, would be a challenging task for any human service practitioner involving accuracy of assessment and effectiveness of treatment. However, endeavoring to find and implement such therapeutic methods and procedures for positive outcomes, while preserving Latino cultural identity and integrity, is precisely the purpose of this paper.…
Controlling the diet in type 1 diabetes is very important. The patient must focus on balancing food intake with insulin intake and energy exertion. Lack of insulin production by the pancreas can make type 1 diabetes difficult to control. Treatment requires a commitment to a regimented and calculated diet, planned physical activity, blood glucose testing at home and several daily insulin injections.…
This paper will discuss a holistic teaching plan for a middle age man with diabetes. Included in this paper will be the assessments needed to confirm the patient’s full needs are met. This nurse will be ensuring the patient’s wiliness to make changes. Teaching new life long changes will also be sure to include cultural and spiritual needs. Lastly, the paper will be covering a summary of the patient’s medication regimen and any drug interactions.…
The author of this essay proved many useful points in regards to the Western Diet. In order for people to change their nutrition many things have to change as well, but is it too late? Almost every food we buy and put in our mouths is full extra additives and hormones. How whole is our food really? Comparing Americans diet to other countries proves that a healthy lifestyle with better nutrition is possible. Are the people that benefit from the consequences like doctors who treat patients with heart disease, high blood pressure or diabetes or pharmaceutical companies willing to give up everything that bring in revenue? I think we know what the…
Philosopher John Locke once wrote that, “No man ...has a power to hand over their the absolute will and arbitrary dominion of someone else”. He meant that the inviolable rights of a people are greater than the demands of a government and his words ring true today. In the modern era people can fight “arbitrary dominion” through democratic election, vocal condemnation, and most controversially civil disobedience. The practice of deliberate defiance has netted much criticism for its seeming disregard for a country’s rule of law. Yet, a free society is one in which people have the power to exercise their rights, and in choosing not to follow unjust laws, they only strengthen a country's institutions.…
In Michael Pollan’s essay “Escape from the Western Diet,” he informs Americans about the western diet and believes they need to escape from it. The reason Americans should escape the western diet is to avoid the harmful effects associated with it such as “western diseases” (Pollan, 434). To support his view on the issue, Pollan describes factors of the western diet that dictate what Americans believe they should eat. These factors include scientists with their theories of nutritionism, the food industry supporting the theories by making products, and the health industry making medication to support those same theories. Overall, Pollan feels that in order to escape this diet, people need to get the idea of it out of their heads. In turn he provides his own rules for escaping the western diet as well as the idea of nutritionism set forth by scientists.…
One of the challenges with most diets that are based on decreasing the total number of calories being consumed is sustaining a high metabolism. Our metabolism is responsible for burning through calories, but when the caloric content of our food is reduced, our bodies shift gears and decrease their calorie consumption. This results in that feeling of sluggishness and tiredness that is common among most dieters, meaning we become less efficient at burning calories. What a metabolic diet does is raise the metabolism to speed up the burning of calories, which equates to a faster weight loss rate. This method of dieting is much more effective than what essentially amounts to starving yourself. But if you are dieting to lose weight, how can you avoid…
Sometimes it may take more than one pill in order to stabilize the patient’s blood glucose levels. Patients may also be required to participate in routine insulin injections and use other injected medicines. Along with medication, doctors would advise patients to exercise often and keep an eye on their daily diet. Depending on the patient’s health condition, treatment plans may vary. For those who wish to avoid contracting diabetes, the same applies: develop a low-fat, low-calorie diet and exercise daily. All forms of diabetes can be managed in one way or another. However, as of right now, none of the forms can be cured. Therefore, it would behoove one to eat and exercise properly to avoid this disease to begin…
It is not difficult to associate the Mediterranean diet with delicious pizzas, pastas,and breads. However, a true mediterranean diet “consists mainly of fruits and vegetables, seafood, olive oil, hearty grains and more”(1). The Mediterranean diet highlights eating primarily fruits and vegetables, and replacing butter with healthy fats (1). It also stresses using herbs and spices to flavor dishes instead of salt, and reducing the amount of red meat and eating poultry and fish at least twice a week instead (1). The Mediterranean diet has been said to decrease the amount of strokes and “Research has shown that the traditional Mediterranean diet reduces the risk of heart disease.”(2). In 2013, research, lead by Dr.Ramon Estruch, found that “those…
1. Relate the importance of variety in a diet, especially with regard to fruit and vegetable choices, to the discovery of various phytochemicals in foods.…
Calloway, Doris, George Briggs, and Bogert L. . Nutrition and Physical Fitness . Eighth. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders Company, 1966.…
This post is mostly related to people who suffer from type 2 diabetes or DIET controlled diabetes as it is often called.…