Thanks for sharing. I agree, the article offered consequences if a therapist adherence to one particular counseling theory or method might limit the success of treatment. That many cultural groups do not share the values implied by the methods, also do not share the counselors expectation for the conduct or outcome of the counseling session (Blow et al., 2007). To counter these differences, the competent therapist must investigate their client's cultural background and be open to flexible definitions of appropriate or correct behavior (Ottens & Klein, 2005).
You stated the person who matters the most was the client. I agree with that statement. It is also important to incorporate a high awareness of their families/client
culture into their theory and practice. Counselors must realize that historically, cultural differences are viewed as deficits. Nevertheless, to be an all-around therapist one must rectify this imbalance by acknowledging cultural diversity appreciating the value of the culture and using it to aid the client
How would you determine the culture of choice?