Many people around the world spend tireless hour staring at the TV screen every single day. TV is becoming like a drug, people are addicted to it! TV’s can expose to us the weather forecast, sports and global events. TV’s also can give quality entertainment, education programs and something to look forward to after a harsh day. Though there are advantages, there are also many more disadvantages to watching TV.…
The word “television” provokes different kinds of reactions, whether they are disgusted, elated, or non-chalant. Barbara Enrenreich in the passagae from “The Worst Years of Our Lives”, argues that television is creating couch potatoes. There is some validity to Erenreich’s assertion since the American population has become less active however it provides opportunities for those who do not have acess to the outside world, and has effects different kinds of people. The posibilities that television produces are endless.…
Some critics of television complain that the amount of violence shown on television contributes to violence in our society. Others point out that television contributes to the high level of obesity among children. Now, we may have to add financial problems to the list. A sociologist theorised that people who watch television frequently are exposed to many…
But most of the time the influence is negative, the lack of communication in the homes, the violence, the consumerism, are some of the consequences that the television has. Adult people are autonomous of their decisions. They have the obligation to educate not only the children who are the adults of the future, they can teach and educate the adults around them like their family, friends, coworkers and anyone with whom they relate with their actions. Values and respect are taught at home and are encouraged in schools. They must emphasize the proper use of the TV and media and the information handled in them and aware people to avoid become a “vidiot”. They must establish limits on the time they spend watching TV and surfing on Internet and what it is for. Is real that people try to simplify everyday life in partnership with technology with so many applications through their smartphones; nevertheless, they have to moderate…
The main purpose of this article is to convince the reader of the negative consequences of television being watched by our younger generation. Not just the quantity but the quality as well. It is too also show how parents fail to monitor what they allow their children to watch on television. It also shows how their developing minds are absorbing what they see and hear and television and the negative consequences to it.…
But, most shows aren’t that great. The majority of the total percent of the reality shows on the air promote some type of bad message. When Skins the British-born show, was translated to American audiences, the controversy was raging before an episode emerged. American teenagers were being stereotyped as people who cuss all the time and the only things they care about are partying, relationships, and heartbreak. This makes America’s future generation look like it will be filled with illiterate people who have unstable love lives. And another thing, this TV show, depicts teenagers in the United States as sex-crazed and drug-addicted. People visiting from other countries expect to find underage drug dealers and underage prostitutes at every street corner in America when…
British philosopher James Allen once said that “circumstances don 't make a man, they only reveal him.” With that being known, reality television is simply a mirror image of what our society has become; a judge mental driven society where the passion for power and money overcomes the power of love. It 's an overview of a society that is not only weak economically, but is also separated from unworldly roots. It 's also a culture that lives by hanging by a string, characterized by thrill-seekers and addictions. Knowing the popularity of reality T.V. shouldn’t be shocking considering the fact that the world we live in respects vanity, rather than value. Watching reality television has dramatically affected society by increased cases of drama, insecurity, and outlook on the world.…
Unscripted with no plot, reality television shows have been growing more and more popular. For a person on the show, their goal is monetary value and fame, however the young viewers watching are imitating the behaviors associated with these shows and encouraged that these actions are OK. Reality television has tremendously impacted our society because of the drama that has been programmed. What we don’t take into consideration is the fact that sometimes these shows are nothing but drama filled stories that has trumped what once was called values.…
The main conclusion in this article is that TV really doesn’t make your life any better and to limit TV time with children and adolescents, or better yet, turn the TV off and go outside! The main assumptions underlying the author’s thinking is that TV causes health problems, lower grades, academic failure, negative attitudes towards school and teenage pregnancy.…
The estimated number of TV in homes is 109.6 million. (Parents Television Council, 1998) Many people know days always wonder whether television is bad. As well many have their views in which television is a learning tool or a bad influence for their children. There has been much research, which developed few issues between television and children coming from health issues to being use as a learning skill. As studies are developed there will always be health issues that will affect children that don’t have any physical activity as part of their daily routine. Others have discovered that sometimes watching too much TV can influence in how children’s attitudes and views can be affected. Children as they grow can retain many things which help them learn; as for example using television as a guide. There are many programs that are simply directed in children learning in order to have a better understanding of things. PBS is one of many shows that have been known to invest in children’s learning. Research shows both positive and negative influences on children and television. Television may have effects on children’s health, behavior, and learning regarding how they have activities with or consume television.…
A reality TV show stars a non-celebrity or a volunteer who wants to participate in the program. The core role is to see what their reactions in certain scenarios are, and how they face given situations. The audience feels like they have a connection with the show’s stars as they feel that they are real and normal people representing them. Viewers are then entertained by the sadness, depression, frustration, and emptiness that the reality stars will express in the show. Audiences cannot seem to get enough of the drama of other regular, everyday people placed in unrealistic settings manipulated for the world to see. Overtime, exposure to these shows will subtly cultivate viewer’s perception of reality. Reality television shows have a negative influence on today’s society by portraying a false sense of communal experience, creating unrealistic standards of living, as well as affecting the productivity of growth to the younger generation.…
Throughout the years, television has brought America entertainment from around the world. In the beginning, the television was used solely for entertainment; however, in today’s society, it is being used to “influence the way people think about such important social issues…
The television was originally invented for communication purposes as well as education, so it is doubtful that Philo Farnsworth imagined his invention showing people eating bugs, finding husbands based on votes from viewers, or living on deserted islands. The newest fad in television programming is reality television and is evidently dominating the airwaves, appearing on many channels, every night of the week. The ratings constantly increase as the popularity of reality television continues to grow and consequently, producers become extremely wealthy by fueling the addiction. Reality television is built upon the foundation of exposing human emotions, despite the social, psychological, and ethical issues involved which negatively impact the lives of its viewers. All television shows engage in ideological teaching and reality television is no different. The first social consequence of reality television is the misguided message placed upon the importance of competition. Shows such as Survivor or The Bachelor reinforce the idea that life is nothing but a constant competition where only one person is awarded materially, interpersonally, etc. The increased value placed on competition eventually leads to invasions of foreign countries that otherwise pose no threat or cutthroat businesses that cause mergers and acquisitions which lead to a shrinking workforce. A more dangerous message of reality television is that education is unnecessary in order to be successful. Consequently, teenagers may begin to view education as less desirable and much too effortful that will not benefit them nearly as much as participating in a reality show and becoming instantly famous and possibly rich. These messages only demonstrate the lack of authenticity of reality television where viewers develop twisted views of what is fact. There is an extreme misrepresentation of various racial backgrounds for contestants on television which…
I agree that television shows influences our behaviors even without our knowledge of it. Although television seems like a great thing to have, it has many drawbacks. Television can have negative impacts on people, especially kids. People learn new skills by observing, then utilizing it, such as when we were kids and learn to walk by seeing our family walking around or learning a new subject in school. Therefore, when watching television it may influence our fundamental social dispositions; no matter if it is good or bad. Almost ninety nice percent of households possess one television. Television is today’s source of news, stories, legends, and characters from previous centuries; the reason why it is so influential. However, only “0.7 percent is used for public service announcements and news”(Sex, violence, profanity...). The other 97.3 % consists of television shows with violence, crime, advertisements and mainstream blandness. Many studies and research has been done to demonstrate that heavy television viewing may lead to serious health consequences. Television is great for entertainment but has grown into a major problem.…
The concept of reality shows has been borrowed from western media. These shows clash with our cultural ethos and are making people less tolerant and much more demanding, leading to break up of family systems and erosion of moral values.…