• What is the role of the electron transport system? Include the reactants and the products. Where does it occur?…
Souza, and McCarty. (2007). From the Bottom to the Top: How One Provider Retooled Its Collections. Healthcare Financial Management, 61(9), 66-73.…
I understand that amongst other things my “role” is to provide structured, timed and adaptable lesson plans, and to deliver the course, in a professional, and credible way. The provision of suitable resources and facilities to ensure inclusivity, and to meet the needs of a variety of learning abilities and styles, is another essential aspect of the role.…
Performance culminates from several lessons designed around specifics of creating improvised accompaniment for story. Students perform final product in groups, executing the plan they have been creating. Throughout the creative process, the teacher will notate student decisions to help them in the final performance. In the final class, students will practice in teacher-created groups, then perform as a class while the teacher reads the story.…
Both of these plays allowed us to explore critical factors which make up the course, these headings are: practitioner, vocal awareness, non-verbal communication, visual, aural and spatial dynamics, language, plus social, historical cultural and political contexts. Finally the plays uncover interpretation and characterisation along the way too.…
After outlining the learning outcomes the lesson starts with a ‘Find someone who’ ice breaker. This allows me to assess the learners, it’s a group work exercise to employ inclusive learning from the start and it creates a sociable, personable and safe learning environment for the session whilst incorporating functional skills. In this section I will use eye contact, I will call the learners by name and I will use a personable teaching style to include all the learners. We move onto some easy rhythm warm ups to boost self-esteem, help learners feel comfortable and build on group interaction. I can assess learner’s practical skills through observation whilst making learners feel comfortable with their mistakes and reinforce that everyone’s contribution is valuable whilst giving context to the theory that is introduced in the next section using a kinaesthetic and aural learning approaches. When explaining the theory I’m going to use words and syllables to help understand rhythms and notation. This technique incorporates visual, aural, kinaesthetic, reading and writing learning styles, making an unaccustomed concept of notated music familiar and accessible to everyone. I will assess learning by getting individuals to perform and write…
secondary work from the original and whether or not they are successful. In her novel she says…
A Place Where the sea Remembers is a book written by the author Sandra Benitez. The story takes place in a small town in Santiago, Mexico. Candelario (the salad maker), Marta (the 16 year old that’s pregnant), Fulgencio (the photographer that loses all of his equipment are all characters that go through hardships and unfairness. The conflicts this essay will have are person vs person because the characters that I will be describing are having problems with other characters.…
Dramatic play has the most penetrating impact on language and literacy development. In order to support the greatest levels of language and literacy development, a dramatic play area should include; props and objects, combine multiple roles and themes, create a fictitious scenario, and solve disagreements through talking and negotiating (“Building language & literacy through…
The first learning outcome is Imagining and Creative New Works. It is a dimension of drama and dance that focuses on exploring and experimenting with movement to express ideas and feelings (Tasmanian Curriculum, 2007). It includes discovering and creating movement solutions that emerge from a range of starting points and stimuli. There are benefits and challenges the occur from Imagining and Creating New Works.…
How does the staging of Australian plays help us gain a better understanding of ourselves and our different cultural and social contexts?…
Bibliography: -Haseman, Brad, and John O 'Toole. Dramawise: an Introduction to the Elements of Drama. Richmond, Vic.: Heinemann Educational Australia, 1988. Print.…
During the course of this essay I am going to look at how i can promote inclusion, equality and diversity with my learners and identify other points of referral to meet their needs. I intend to consider my learners’ differing levels of ability, accessibility, their learning goals, different learning styles, their barriers to learning, as well as resources and support that are available to help learners achieve their potential.…
When children take part in dramatic play, they use their imagination, story-telling and problem-solving skills. These skills help our…
We live in a very diverse society and it is important that teachers have the flexibility to create and present opportunities that are accessible for all learners. It is important to recognise the individual needs of your learners and modify your teaching methods and style; one lesson cannot necessarily be replicated with two different groups of learners. ‘In summary, delivering an inclusive learning package means considering what is appropriate and needed’ (Wilson, 2009, p.173)…