This is to certify that the hardware project entitled “THERMO ELECTRIC GENERATOR (TEG)” is submitted by RAHUL GOEL (06BME123) to the School of Mechanical & Building Sciences, VIT University, Vellore is a bonafide record of the project work carried out by him under my supervision.
During the project phase, their involvement and interest are __________________
Mr. C. Ramesh Kumar
(Sr. Asst. Professor)
I express our profound thanks to our chancellor, VIT, Shri. G. Viswanathan for providing the necessary infrastructure out this project successfully. I also thank Dr. S. Narayanan, Dean, School of Mechanical & Building Sciences for his support and continuously encouragement in completing the project.
I express my genuine indebtedness to Mr. C. Ramesh Kumar, Senior Assi. Lecturer, School of Mechanical & Building Sciences whose whole hearted guidance and valuable suggestions throughout this project helped us in completing it successfully, without which the project would not have attained a fine and final shape.
I would also like to express our gratitude to all faculty members of the school for their timely encouragement and thought provoking suggestion to pursue our work.
Last but not the least, we would like to thank all those who were directly and indirectly helped us in completion of this project.
1.0 Introduction
Man’s constant evolution couldn’t have been possible without fuels. Society is putting more emphasis on the mobile transportation sector to achieve future goals of sustainability and on low thermal efficiencies of IC engine. About 60% of heat-energy liberated during combustion of fuel is not utilized in producing useful work and getting dumped into the atmosphere daily. To achieve these goals, society needs to jump to a new method to recover the lost part of exhaust energy.
References: Jet Propulsion Laboratory/California Institute of TechnologyP.H. Giauque and M.A. Nicolet California Institute of Technology, 1200 E 4.“Development of High Efficiency Thermoelectric Generators Using Advanced Thermoelectric Materials”, 1997 Research paper Thierry Cailla, Jean-Pierre Fleunal and Atex Borshchevsky