References: 1. Vazaquez J. et al, “State of the art of thermoelectric generators based on heat recovered from the exhaust gases of automobiles”, Proc. of 7th European Workshop on Thermoelectrics, 2002, Pamplona, Spain 2. Schock H. et al, ”Thermoelectric Conversion of Waste Heat to Electricity in an IC Engine Powered” Vehicle Advanced Combustion Engine R&D FY 2006 Progress Report pp 242-246. 3. LaGrandeur J. et al, ”High-Efficiency Thermoelectric Waste Energy Recovery System for Passenger Vehicle Applications” Advanced Combustion Engine R&D FY 2006 Progress Report pp 232-236. 4. Bell L. E. et al, ”High-Efficiency Thermoelectric Waste Energy Recovery System for Passenger Vehicle Applications” Advanced Combustion Engine R&D FY 2005 Progress Report pp 287-290 5. Birkholz U. et al, "Conversion of Waste Exhaust Heat in Automobile using FeSi2 Thermoelements". Proc. 7th International Conference on Thermoelectric Energy Conversion. 1988, Arlington, USA, pp. 124-128. 6. Serksnis A.W. "Thermoelectric Generator for Automotive Charging System". Proc. 11th Intersociety Conversion Engineering Conference. 1976, New York, USA, pp. 1614-1618. 7. Ikoma K. et al. "Thermoelectric Module and Generator for Gasoline Engine Vehicle". Proc. 17th International Conference on Thermoelectrics. 1998, Nagoya, Japan, pp. 464-467 Fig 7. Temperatures before (Tin) and after (Tout) heat exchanger vs. engine power at 3300 rpm. It seems that the conditions of heat absorption could be significantly improved by introducing changes to the exchanger design (e.g. extending the active surface, decreasing the gas flow speed). In order to estimate the maximum performance of the heat exchanger the following theoretical calculations have been made assuming constant temperatures of the exhaust gases on the exchanger outlet: 100, 150 and 200°C respectively. Fig. 8 Experimental and theoretical power of heat exchanger for assumed temperatures behind heat exchanger Tout at 3300 rpm. The results of the calculations (Fig. 8) indicate that with the above assumptions for the engine power above 10 kW it is possible to recuperate from app. 3 to 5 times more of heat power. Conclusions The performance of the heat exchanger system forms the basis for continuing the process of design optimization. The designed model of heat exchanger allowed for the utilization of 0.6 to 5.0 kW of exhaust gas energy depending on the operating parameters of the engine. However, the analysis of temperature distribution points out that, upon introduction of specific changes into the design, it is possible to recover even 25 kW of heat energy. Assuming the 5% efficiency of the thermoelectric modules it could allow to obtain the
References: 1. Vazaquez J. et al, “State of the art of thermoelectric generators based on heat recovered from the exhaust gases of automobiles”, Proc. of 7th European Workshop on Thermoelectrics, 2002, Pamplona, Spain 2. Schock H. et al, ”Thermoelectric Conversion of Waste Heat to Electricity in an IC Engine Powered” Vehicle Advanced Combustion Engine R&D FY 2006 Progress Report pp 242-246. 3. LaGrandeur J. et al, ”High-Efficiency Thermoelectric Waste Energy Recovery System for Passenger Vehicle Applications” Advanced Combustion Engine R&D FY 2006 Progress Report pp 232-236. 4. Bell L. E. et al, ”High-Efficiency Thermoelectric Waste Energy Recovery System for Passenger Vehicle Applications” Advanced Combustion Engine R&D FY 2005 Progress Report pp 287-290 5. Birkholz U. et al, "Conversion of Waste Exhaust Heat in Automobile using FeSi2 Thermoelements". Proc. 7th International Conference on Thermoelectric Energy Conversion. 1988, Arlington, USA, pp. 124-128. 6. Serksnis A.W. "Thermoelectric Generator for Automotive Charging System". Proc. 11th Intersociety Conversion Engineering Conference. 1976, New York, USA, pp. 1614-1618. 7. Ikoma K. et al. "Thermoelectric Module and Generator for Gasoline Engine Vehicle". Proc. 17th International Conference on Thermoelectrics. 1998, Nagoya, Japan, pp. 464-467 Fig 7. Temperatures before (Tin) and after (Tout) heat exchanger vs. engine power at 3300 rpm. It seems that the conditions of heat absorption could be significantly improved by introducing changes to the exchanger design (e.g. extending the active surface, decreasing the gas flow speed). In order to estimate the maximum performance of the heat exchanger the following theoretical calculations have been made assuming constant temperatures of the exhaust gases on the exchanger outlet: 100, 150 and 200°C respectively. Fig. 8 Experimental and theoretical power of heat exchanger for assumed temperatures behind heat exchanger Tout at 3300 rpm. The results of the calculations (Fig. 8) indicate that with the above assumptions for the engine power above 10 kW it is possible to recuperate from app. 3 to 5 times more of heat power. Conclusions The performance of the heat exchanger system forms the basis for continuing the process of design optimization. The designed model of heat exchanger allowed for the utilization of 0.6 to 5.0 kW of exhaust gas energy depending on the operating parameters of the engine. However, the analysis of temperature distribution points out that, upon introduction of specific changes into the design, it is possible to recover even 25 kW of heat energy. Assuming the 5% efficiency of the thermoelectric modules it could allow to obtain the