
Thermoregulation: Varying The Surface Area To Volume Ratio

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Year 10 MYP Chemistry
Investigating Thermoregulation

Research Question.

How does varying the surface area to volume ratio (2.0046: 1, 1.4923: 1, 0.9425: 1, 0.6480:1, 0.5970:1) affect the amount of heat lost over a period of 6 minutes of 50cm3 water with a temperature above 50?

b. Prediction and Hypothesis.
Make a prediction about what you expect to be the outcome. Explain your prediction using scientific ideas.

I predict that the bigger the surface area to volume ratio, the lesser the heat will be lost. And the smaller the surface area to volume ratio the more heat will be lost.


Independent Variable.

The surface area, volume ratio of the beaker

Dependent Variable.

The temperature of the water/The
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First gather all apparatus and lay it out as shown above
2. Then use the kettle to heat the water until it is hot
3. Start with the first beaker of the surface area to volume ratio 2.0046: 1 and pour 50cm3 into the beaker
4. Then quickly cover the beaker with the lid with a hole and insert the thermometer
5. Measure the original temperature before the heat has time to escape and start the stopwatch
6. Then after an interval of 2 minutes, 4 minutes and 6 minutes, use the thermometer to measure the temperature
7. Then subtract the temperature of the water after 6 minutes and original temperature to get the total amount of heat lost
8. Then repeat steps 2-7 for a second trial
9. After results from try 1 and try 2 are gotten, record it in a table like this:
Surface area to volume ratio of beaker Original temperature of water After 2 minutes After 4 minutes After 6 minutes Total amount of heat lost Try 1 Try 2 Try 1 Try 2 Try 1 Try 2 Try 1 Try 2 Try 1 Try
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I also used the same shape of beaker for the different beakers of different surface are to volume ratios. I also used the same amount of volume of water, which was 50cm3 for all experiments. I also measured the amount of heat loss over the same period of time for all my experiments which was I measured the amount of heat loss over 2, 4 and 6 minutes. I also did all the experiments on the same surface due to conduction. The same surface I used for all my experiments was a table. I also did each experiment twice for two tries and then got the average for more accurate

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