Investigating Thermoregulation
Research Question.
How does varying the surface area to volume ratio (2.0046: 1, 1.4923: 1, 0.9425: 1, 0.6480:1, 0.5970:1) affect the amount of heat lost over a period of 6 minutes of 50cm3 water with a temperature above 50?
b. Prediction and Hypothesis.
Make a prediction about what you expect to be the outcome. Explain your prediction using scientific ideas.
I predict that the bigger the surface area to volume ratio, the lesser the heat will be lost. And the smaller the surface area to volume ratio the more heat will be lost.
Independent Variable.
The surface area, volume ratio of the beaker
Dependent Variable.
The temperature of the water/The …show more content…
amount of heat lost
Controlled Variables.
The apparatus
The volume of water used 50cm3
The time intervals the temperature is measured over
Surface on which the experiment will be done (conduction)
The same shape of beaker
• 5 beakers each of a different Surface area to volume ratio
• 1 thermometer
• 500 cm3 Hot water
• 1 Stopwatch
• 1 Kettle
• 5 Lid with a hole
Table of apparatus:
Name of Apparatus Picture of Apparatus Use of apparatus/ Errors
1. Beaker of different Surface area to volume ratio 2.0046: 1
1.4923: 1
0.9425: 1
0.5970:1 This will be used to store the water and heat. The errors may be that make sure the outside temperature of the beaker is the same as if a beaker was just used, the surface is still hot and hence that may affect results.
2. Thermometer This is used to take the temperature of water. However the errors may be reading errors as not reading accurately.
3. Hot water This is going to be the water inside the beaker of which the temperature will be taken. However one error would be that the temperature of the hot water is sure to change so make sure to take the original temperature before your experiment.
4. Stopwatch This will be used to keep track of time as to when the temperature should be measured. Errors of the stopwatch would be that if the stopwatch is started too late of too early may cause errors in the results.
5. Kettle This is going to be used to heat the water to make it a temperature above 50 degrees.
6. Lid with hole This is going to be used to cover the beakerto stop the heat from escaping, however the error may be that it will have to be put very quickly on top of the beaker to block the heat from coming out but if its put too late then a lot of heat will have escaped.
Safety Precautions:
• Be careful when dealing with hot water
• Watch out for leaks of mercury from the thermometer
• Hold the beaker with a cloth after experiment due to heat of beaker
First gather all apparatus and lay it out as shown above
2. Then use the kettle to heat the water until it is hot
3. Start with the first beaker of the surface area to volume ratio 2.0046: 1 and pour 50cm3 into the beaker
4. Then quickly cover the beaker with the lid with a hole and insert the thermometer
5. Measure the original temperature before the heat has time to escape and start the stopwatch
6. Then after an interval of 2 minutes, 4 minutes and 6 minutes, use the thermometer to measure the temperature
7. Then subtract the temperature of the water after 6 minutes and original temperature to get the total amount of heat lost
8. Then repeat steps 2-7 for a second trial
9. After results from try 1 and try 2 are gotten, record it in a table like this:
Surface area to volume ratio of beaker Original temperature of water After 2 minutes After 4 minutes After 6 minutes Total amount of heat lost Try 1 Try 2 Try 1 Try 2 Try 1 Try 2 Try 1 Try 2 Try 1 Try …show more content…
2.0046: 1
10. Then repeat steps 2-9 only this time changing the size of the beaker in step 3 to the beakers with the surface area to volume ratio
11. Once all result a collected for each independent variable find the average total temperature lost and record it in a table like this:
Surface area to volume ratio of beaker Total amount of heat lost
e. Results.
Raw data:
Measure the temperature amount of heat lost over an interval of 2,,4,6 minutes with two tries
Surface area to volume ratio of beaker Original temperature of water After 2 minutes After 4 minutes After 6 minutes Total amount of heat lost Try 1 Try 2 Try 1 Try 2 Try 1 Try 2 Try 1 Try 2 Try 1 Try 2
2.0046: 1 69 80 66 73 63 70 60 69 9 11
1.4923: 1 70 78 65 70 61 68 57 62 13 16
0.9425: 1 72 69 63 64 59 57 52 54 20 15
0.6480:1 66 70 59 61 53 56 46 50 20 20
0.5970:1 69 70 51 62 45 55 42 46 27 24
Process data:
Average amount of heat lost compared to the surface area to volume ratio
Surface area to volume ratio of beaker Total amount of heat lost
2.0046: 1 10
1.4923: 1 14.5
0.9425: 1 17.5
0.6480:1 20
0.5970:1 25.5
The total amount of heat lost in the process data table was gotten by:
Total amount of heat lost, try 1, and raw data + Total amount of heat lost, try 2, and raw data
f. Analysing and Concluding.
1. Describe any trends or patterns you see in the data or your graph.
The trends that I noticed in my data and my graph was that as the surface area to volume = decreases so does the amount of heat lost within 6 minutes. This is seen
2. Use your data and your graph to write a conclusion for your experiment which answers your research question and says whether your prediction is correct. Support your conclusion with some data from your graph.
In conclusion the smaller the surface area to volume ratio, the more heat is lost. Hence further proving that my hypothesis was supported as I had predicted that “ …… “. This is seen as when the surface area to volume ratio is at its biggest being 2.0046:1 only 10 degrees was lost where as when the surface area to volume ratio was at its smallest 25.5 degrees was lost over a period of 6 minutes. Hence between the smallest surfaces are to volume ratio and the biggest surface area to volume ratio there was a different of 15.5 degrees making it an increase of approximately 39.2 %.
3. Explain your data and conclusion using science
This is because
Limitations and Weaknesses
In order to make my experiment as fair and accurate as possible I used the same apparatus for all experiments.
I also used the same shape of beaker for the different beakers of different surface are to volume ratios. I also used the same amount of volume of water, which was 50cm3 for all experiments. I also measured the amount of heat loss over the same period of time for all my experiments which was I measured the amount of heat loss over 2, 4 and 6 minutes. I also did all the experiments on the same surface due to conduction. The same surface I used for all my experiments was a table. I also did each experiment twice for two tries and then got the average for more accurate
No I do not think my experiment was completely fair and accurate because there were many things that could affect the accuracy of the results. One reason is that the room temperature may not have always remained the same and therefore causing errors in the results. Hence if the room temperature kept on changing it would effect the surrounding temperature of the beaker e.g. say it get hotter, the heat loss will be slower. Also another reason would be the when covering the beaker using the lid with a hole, sometime it would be done too late hence the heat would have begun to escape. Another reason would be that when starting the stopwatch it could have been a few second early or late hence if say it was started late then that experiment would have the heat loss measured over a period of more than 6 minutes. Also the temperature readings may not have been as accurate.
Improving your Experiment.
In order to improve my experiment for the temperature change I would maybe do the experiment in a room where the temperature is constant or do it in a water bath keeping the temperature the same. Also for the lid with the hole, maybe if I used a beaker with a lid attached so then I just have to close it or even I could pour the water through the hole. For the stopwatch maybe I could start it before I poured the water and when I start to measure. I could minus that period of time hence I will not have added or missed any second. For the thermometer I could use a digital thermometer, which would give me even more accurate results. Lastly due to time I could only do each experiment twice but in order for a more accurate conclusion I could repeat the each experiment at least up to 3-4 times.