Established in 1890, La Frabica de Cervza de San Miguel Southeast Asia’s first brewery produced and bottled what would eventually become one of the best-selling beers in the region within the span of generation, San Miguel Beer would become an icon among beer drinkers – 120 years after its founding, nine out of ten Filipino drinkers are still reaching for the company’s flagship product. Yet, San Miguel has never been limited by its origins, successfully expanding its reach well beyond the beer industry.
San Miguel Corporation is today a highly diversified conglomerate with over 100 facilities in the Philippines, Southeast Asia, China, and Australia and an extensive product portfolio that includes beer, hard liquor, juices basic and processed packaging products. For generations, the Company has generated strong consumer loyalty through brands that are among the most formidable in the Philippines food and beverage business.
In the last decade which has seen a reshaping and refining of the very nature of its businesses, the next chapter in San Miguel’s storied history is already being written with the Company diversifying into new, high growth areas such as power generation, oil refining, telecoms, toll ways, mining and infrastructure.
The SMC of 2010 is a far cry from the brewery-centered model most people have traditionally associated with San Miguel. The Company’s strategy today is to further strengthen growth and boosting aggregate margins. This diversification should allow the company to grow faster and perform more consistently. Even at 120 years old, San Miguel is still, at heart, a growth company.
1890 - Don Enrique Maria Baretto Y de Ycaza obtains a royal grant from the Spanish government to produce beer in Manila’s San Miguel district.
1922 – Begins soft drinks production at the Royal Soft Drinks Plant.
1925 – Begins producing ice cream at the Magnolia Ice Cream Plant.
1927 – Becomes first