Group name:
Avila, Arnulfo L.
Estrellado, Ailene G.
Inocencio, Eliezer V.
Pagrada, Joan R.
Repil , Aldwin M.
Velasco, Michelle M.
Acknowledgement There are a number of people without whom this thesis might not have been written, and to whom we greatly indebted. First to our parents, who continues to learn, grow and develop and who has been a source of encouragement and inspiration to us throughout our lifes, a very special thank you for providing a ‘writing space’ and for nurturing us through the months of writing. And also for the myriad of ways in which, throughout our lifes, you have actively supported us in our determination to find and realise our potential, and tomake this contribution to our world. We would like to sincerely thanks to our Instructors for their guidance and support throughout this study and especially for their confidence in us to our fellow classmates for understanding and encouragement in our many many moments of crisis. Your freindship makes our life a wonderful experience. We cannot list all the names,but you are always in our mind And lastly to Ms.Jean Pagrada for helping us throughout this study.
Form ED 1. Approval Sheet
In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN TECHNICAL EDUCATION, MAJOR IN HARDWARE. This thesis entitled the "Teaching Techniques of the Technical Teacher in Laguna Science and Technology College(LSTC) in Relation to Some Variables" was defended and submitted by ______________________________, who is hereby recommended for the corresponding oral examination with the rating of ________.
An approval In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Technical Education by the examination committee.
Accepted in partial fulfillment of the