Andrew David 6/21/2014 Aliso Viejo Middle School Part 1 Chapter 1 1. The 12 Olympians gained control when Zeus dethroned Cronus and seized power. 2. I most identify with Hephaestus is because of my love of building and crafting. 3.…
Hades rules, except he does not face any of the consequences. Which, in turn, does not…
Zeus was not faithful; Hera had a belligerence toward Zeus. She started a revolt against him and planned to kill him. She thought that she could strap him under a tree with some ropes and whip him. It seemed like the plan would work but it only became total chaos. Zeus came…
Hades was the Greek god of the dead and the King of the Underworld. He was the child of Rhea and Cronus, and the oldest of his two brothers; Poseidon and Zeus. After Hades and his brothers defeated their father to claim rulership over the cosmos, they decided to split their rule. Poseidon became the god of the sea, Zeus became the god of the skies, and Hades became the god of the underworld. Hades longed for a bride so he called on his brother Zeus to offer him one. Zeus provided him the daughter of Demeter, who was named Persephone. Hades knew she would resist the marriage so he forcefully kidnapped her. Demeter became furious when she found this out, so she caused a famine to fall on the Earth until her daughter was returned. Hades was forced…
He was feared by both gods and men, because of his merciless ways. Later, due to his connection with Persephone he went through a radical change. Instead of the life-hating god of death he became a more influential god. He was more beneficial to the world, because of the grain, minerals, and jewels that come from the underworld. Persephone, being the daughter of Demeter which was the god of the harvest helped Hades to this change. He later was named by the Romans "the giver of wealth," because of all the treasures from underground.…
What is justice is a question that has plagued philosophers since the time of Plato when he wrote The Republic to present day. In the book, Plato uses the dialectic, between Socrates and other Athenians like Polemarchus, Cephalus, and Glacuon, to try and find the definition of justice. Through the voice of Glaucon, Plato defines justice as a compromise of sorts between advantage and fear, and injustice as the things that we wouldn’t…
Antigone is impulsive, stubborn and doesn’t let anybody stop her from what she wants to do. She was caught trying…
Oedipus Rex is full of people searching for justice. Throughout the play Oedipus acts upon what he believes is justice.…
Pericles also must go through tough times in order to receive gifts. For example, if he never would've solved the riddle, he wouldn't have had to run away. If he didn't run, his ship couldn't have wrecked on the way back home. When the ship wrecked on the shore in Pentapolis, he found out from the people about King Simonides' daughter, Thasia. If Pericles wouldn't have entered in, the jousting contest he would never get the prize. The prize just so happens to be the hand of the beautiful Thasia, his future wife.…
The Greek gods were thought of as the most powerful forces to ever exist in ancient times. In turn, they played a pivotal role in the Greek people’s lives. Their power and influence over the Greek people is evident in many of the stories in Greek literature. Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades, the most powerful Greek gods, each played a part in the story of Antigone by Sophocles.…
As demonstrated by the suitors, deception can be used maliciously, in efforts to promote one’s personal agenda, even at the expense of another person’s well-being. Hades has a desire to make Persephone his wife, and as depicted by the plan that Hades and Zeus created “without the knowledge of Demeter and the golden sword,” (Demeter 4). Initially taking Persephone for his own enjoyment and pleasure at the expense of Persephone being unable to see her mother, as well as the comforts and lush pastures of the world above, Hades also deprives Demeter of her daughter, inhibiting the plants from…
There aren’t many other myths about Hades, but there are countless myths about the other gods’ wrongdoings. For instance, after prometheus gave man the gift of fire, zeus chained him to a rock and sent eagles to eat at him for the rest of eternity. Zeus also frequently cheated on his wife Hera by sexually assaulting Greek women. Hera would then take revenge by torturing the women whom zeus had assaulted (2,x). There are many more myths about the other gods’ evil acts, and in comparison to them Hades seems to be…
In Aeschylus and Sophocles, , furthermore, the gods motivate the main characters to commit their revenge as a mortal instrument of divine justice, whereas Euripides typically does not. Aeschylus ' humans interact with the gods like Apollo and Athena regularly in his stories; for example, in Aeschylus’s “Eumenides,” character and character stand on trial with and against the gods. and stand on trial with and against them (e.g. Aeschylu 's, Eumenides). Most scholars regard Sophocles to be a very pious man-- and…
The interrelation of the gods is one of a backstabbing nature. The gods go behind each others back to do what they feel is best. Speaking of Odysseus Zeus says "it's the Earth-Shaker, Poseidon, unappeased, forever fuming against him (81)." Poseidon is angry with Odysseus and is set on preventing his journey home; however the other gods go against Poseidon and "put heads together now, work out his journey home so Odysseus can return (91-92)." The gods have little care about the others and if it is in their own interest they will help, or prevent, something to occur. As in the Odyssey the gods go against the will of Poseidon and help Odysseus on his journey home.…
Zeus was the king of all the Olympians, as well as the god of thunder, weather, and omens. Hera was Zeus's wife, and she was considered the ideal woman. She was also the goddess of marriage and family. Ares was Hera and Zeus's son. He was the god of war, and he was widely disliked by the other gods because of his quick tempered-aggression and the way he needed to have conflict. Aphrodite was the goddess of love and beauty, and she used this power to her benefit. Her mother, Hera, wanted her to marry Hephaistos, the god of fire and crafts, but Aphrodite had other plans for herself. She had affairs, including those with Ares, Hermes, and Dionysos, Hermes was the god of trade, wealth, luck, language, and travel. He was incredibly clever, and he was also the messenger to the gods. Dionysos was the god of wine, merriment, and theatre, and he was described as the most colorful of the gods. Demeter was one of the oldest goddesses, and she looked over farming, and was compared to Mother Nature. Artemis was the goddess of hunting, and her brother Apollo was considered one of the favorite gods, being the patron on civilized arts. Poseidon was Zeus's brother, and he was the god of the seas. He also brought earthquakes and destruction when his temper got the better of him. Hades was the other brother of Zeus, and his job was to maintain the dead and the…