Lanesa Poulton
English 1302- P23
29 November 2012
Reasons/ Evidence
Thesis- Presuming that capital punishment is allowed the punishment should fit the crime.
Reason 1- Presuming that capital punishment is allowed the punishment should fit the crime because it would bring justice and peace to some families.
Evidence1- William Dudley and Helen Corthran state many death row inmates have accepted their fate and somewhat prepared for their execution (Dudley 30).
Evidence 2- Dudley writes how the person on death row has time to think about their ultimate fate (Dudley 30).
Evidence 3- Elster writes if violent offenders knew that the punishment was death, not three meals and shelter, less crimes would happen (Elster 48).
Evidence 4- Elster explains how the death penalty would not bring back the victim but it does stop the accused from killing again (Elster 48).
Reason 2- Presuming that capital punishment is allowed the punishment should fit the crime because the criminal can break out of jail.
Evidence 1- Jean A. Elster and Helen Cothran state people who serve life sentences for crimes such as murder always have the chance to kill again in prison, get let out on parole, or escape. (Elster 47).
Evidence 2- Hayley R. Mitchell and Brenda Stalcup state with the death penalty we know that person can never attempt to kill again and cannot get off easy years later down the road (Hayley 67).
Evidence 3- Mitchell writes this seems to be a great deal more fair than how the life in prison can be (Mitchell 68).
Reason 3- Presuming that capital punishment is allowed the punishment should fit the crime because it makes sure that violent criminals will not commit crimes again.
Evidence 1- Gail B. Stewart state there would be less of a burden on our already weak economy in the states (Stewart 55).
Evidence 2- Stewart writes the family or friends want the murder to feel the same pain as their love one felt (Stewart 60).
Evidence 3- Scott R. Hays