The rapid development of information technology has made the management of on-line ticket orders, payment and ticket generation possible. The implementation of the specific system requires solutions to a number of problems. Several big projects have shown that the final introduction requires the preparation of models which form a good basis for the construction of a high-volume system. The implementation opportunities are well illustrated, and the low-budget project allows the preparation of the optimal system. In this project the aim we set was the creation. The future success is also supported by the fact that the project involves many highly professional organizations and institutions, as well as a college used as a research site to carry out the research needed for the ticket storage solutions. The planned system uses modern IT devices and involves the use of the Internet as well. The preparation is assisted by the organization involved in the ticket management thus supporting the consideration of real problems during the creation of the theoretical model. The aim of the solution to be developed is to give a general definition of the requirements of modern ticket sales systems, which will prevent the companies using the system from making multiple investments for development and the customers from the obligation of purchasing new and different equipment. Due to the general nature of the system to be developed, connection will only be necessary to the individual application points; the end-users' device will, therefore, be capable to carry and use the tickets purchased at the application points. The system to be developed can immediately be used in a wide range of areas, thus providing a contribution to make the information technology more generally accepted and to build the information society.
Online ticketing system will not only provide accurate information and fast process of online transaction but