The article Why Adoptees Need To Find Their Biological Parents by Stephen Betchen is about finding closure between an adoptee and their biological parents. At the age of forty Betchen's adopted parents had already passed away and after waiting so long, he wanted to find his biological parents. Because he did not receive any medical records, he has a fear of dropping dead at any moment, which is why he wanted to see his biological parents to get them. Betchen having a daughter, finds it difficult to claim her as his own. Betchen writes about how adopted people sometimes feel like they don't belong. He also writes about how adoptees have the idea that they should be financially stable just in case they get put up for adoption again. Betchen does…
According to the Cambridge dictionary, adoption is “the act of taking another person's child legally into your family to raise as your own child.” It quickly became a very popular thing to do in the mid-1900s. Since then, adoption has been a very common topic of conversation, more so of argument. Similar to a myriad of other controversial topics, people have their own opinions; many people are actually against adoption and could sit down and write a whole list of reasons why adopting a child is a terrible idea. However, many of those people never take into account all of the positives that come with adopting a child. Adoption is an amazing, indescribable act that I look forward to being a part of in the future. Just like almost everything in this imperfect world, adoption has its cons. As well, adoption has its pros; I believe that the more people partake in it, the better we can make the lives of children in need.…
Also having access knowing the history of the truth of your biological parents especially medical records about the adopted child. Not knowing where you really come from leaves a blank space of knowing yourself. Every child is a blessing and every child deserves a loving home. Most Birth parents have seen that giving a child up for adoption can be one of the best choices they could ever make for their child. Even though parents may not want to have to give up a child and not even have a child in the first place, killing an innocent life for the parents mistake is not right. If people want to act irresponsibly then they need to take responsibility for their actions. Children deserve a home no matter their…
People adopt a child or children for a number of reasons, some reasons may be because they want to have a family and they are not able to have biological children of their own or they feel that they are in a position to make a difference to a child’s life.…
Closed adoptions are adoptions in which the birthparents of the adopted child have no contact with the child after he/she is adopted or with the adoptive parents. No identifying information is provided to the adoptive family or the adopted child. Closed adoptions are controversial because they basically cut off all connections between the child and the birthparents. The child may never know who their birthparents are and they may have many questions that may remain unanswered. Many people think that these situations can cause problems with the child and the birthparents. We plan to show how closed adoptions are beneficial to the adopted child.…
I also feel that it is hard for the children that are being adopted to be able to accept what is going on and being able to know what is natural and taboo. Same-sex couples raising children must stand ready to…
“Starting in the early 1980’s, society’s view on adoption changed (motherhood)”. There would no longer be a need for secrecy, guilt, or shame for the child or the birth mother. Open adoptions allows the birth parents, adoptive parents and the child to have a relationship with each other. Adoption agencies help birth mothers create an adoption plan that includes their needs and desires and that of their child. Open adoption les the birth parents choose the adoptive family. There are various degrees of the “open” adoption process. For some it means that the birthparents and adoptive parents have some knowledge about each other. For others, the birthparents and adoptive parents form a relationship before the birth and are present at the birth of the child. The relationship that it formed between birthparents and adoptive parents is one of trust and respect. The American Association of Open Adoption Agencies lists in its statement of purpose that “Open adoption is the healthiest form of adoption, it is an adoption in which the birth family and the adopted child enjoy and ongoing, in person relationship” (, this statement if a reflection of what the majority of open adoptions consist…
Imagine not understanding what you are doing, not even fully knowing who is coming to get you, and where you are going is a mystery in itself. These are all thoughts and questions that might run through a childs mind who is being adopted by a family that lives in a different country. This is an international adoption, and it can be controversial in the U.S along with other countries for different reasons. International adoption has gone throughout history adjusting as it has to, but it's not the only thing that has changed both what the parents go through and the children adapting have evolved as time goes on too. No matter how much is done to make this process easier there are always challenges that remain to face everyone affiliated with the process.…
Some adoptions are closed. This means that the PA adoption record may be sealed until a child is a certain age, usually 18 or 21. In closed adoptions the birth parent's information may remain secret for a certain amount of time or until he or she chooses to allow their information to be given out. Once they are an adult, a person who was adopted as a child has the right to obtain non-identifying information about their biological parents without obtaining a court order. This information can include ethnicity and race, occupation, highest level of education, religion, and general appearance. The adoptee can also contact the adoption agency that handled his or her adoption to find out what other options they have. If a birth parent indicates to the adoption agency that he or she would like to remain anonymous, an adoptee won't have the right to obtain identifying information about the birth parent. In most states, during the adoption process, the birth parents provide the adoption agency with their preference about contact with the prospective adoptive parents. These preferences stay in place even after the adoption is finalized, meaning that if the adoptee does go to the agency seeking to find the birth parent the agency would need to contact the birth parent to…
Laura chose an open adoption because her sister was adopted through a closed adoption and it brought no blessing to her. Laura believed that the secrecy of closed adoption brought her sister to have issues with anxiety and low self esteem. Laura said, “Ariel hasn’t had to deal with identity issues to the same degree as my sister. She knows her birthparents, and with that, she knows a lot more about herself. She knows who she looks like and her inherited medical history. Most importantly, she knows why she was given for adoption and that her biological parents loves her. It is essential that Ariel feels comfortable with her adoption and perceive her birthparents as positive, wonderful factors in her life” (“Open Adoption”). Ariel’s adoptive father also believes open adoption can help a child because, “In closed adoption, you face the prospect of keeping a secret and lying to your child about his or her origin. That violates the most basic relationship between a parent and child: TRUST!” (“Open Adoption”). Having the biological parents in the child’s life to inform them will help them understand who they are and creates a stronger relationship between both the child and the adoptive…
Open adoption birth parents experience a sense of less guilt as a benefit (Gray 27) of the adoption but what benefit does the child rear? Adoption should be more for the child and less for the birth parents emotional ground. But closed adoption does give the birth parents privacy because “placing a child for adoption is an extremely sensitive and vulnerable choice. Having a closed adoption creates an opportunity for a stronger sense of privacy,” (“N. A. I. C. H.” 1) and it can also reduce fear because “some birth mothers are concerned about explaining their choice, and a closed adoption serves as a way to prevent them from a confrontation with a child placed for adoption” (“N. A. I. C. H.” 1). Closed adoption rids the birth parents of the responsibility they were not ready for in the first place and gives the child a chance at a better life with more responsible individuals. In some cases, closed adoption kills two birds with one stone by riding a birth parent of the embarrassment of not being prepared or financially stable for a child while giving the adoptive child a chance for a better life with an adoptive family that is looking for a child to give love and a good life…
As I have read and asked my best friend who was adopted I have found out how an adopted child feels about being adopted. My friend told me that it was never a big deal to her to find out that she was adapted. She says that she’s grateful her parents told her the truth, because she couldn’t imagine the pain and betrayal of finding out much later. Now some of the adoptive parents feel that its better to let their child know that they were adopted, so they won’t resent them for not telling them. Other parents feel its best to not let them know so that they won’t wonder why their birth parents gave them up for adoption in the first…
Adoption throughout the years has become a money making business. Mothers who give up their children for adoption, but later in life want them after being adopted will sometimes get sued. People believe that adoption agencies should have their own policy for the birth mother to gain custody to their child once they have the resources to take care of the child. This also goes along with another reason which would be getting rid of the connection between the om and child could have negative effects in the future. Effects such as not getting the kind of care that they need or the feeling of wanting to know who their real mother is. Also a limited amount of people believe that adopted children may end up becoming bullied throughout the years. Yes, this will happen either way though out the child's life but some people believe that it will be more likely to happen. Which they also believe that being adopted they can develop patterns that may lead to terrible doings throughout the…
Being adopted is not something you should be ashamed of at all. It's a great experience to…
Adopted children ought to have the right to know who they are and where they came from. Truly, denying people that knowledge is like denying them a part of themselves. A 2005 study showed that the reason adopted people search for their birth families is not because they are looking for a new family, but rather, “for news about the well-being of birth relatives, information about their background, the circumstances of their adoption and answers to questions such as ‘who am I’, ‘why was I given up for adoption’ and ‘was I wanted before given up’, or seeking information for practical reasons such as health” (Triseliotis 10). Additionally, in a study conducted by the Search Institute, it was…