Goatman is a suspicious character that thrived as a
Demon-like man with bronze horns of a goat and the body of Cerberus,
The 3-headed dog, which was the guardian of the underworld in Greek Mythology
“Thick-skulled Goatman” was a character with many anger issues
That he took out on the maccaroni warriors of planet Hickombottom
Far away in the Snickers galaxy
“Taunt me foul beasts (Jello dragons)”,
“These weakling warriors are of no challenge anymore”,
After he ruthlessly pummeled the small, weapon wielding protectors of planet Hickombottom
Into the bean-like soil of the planet
“They are in no state to fight me anymore,”
“I will go find another challenge that is more worthwhile for my amusement”
“As light shone upon his mighty pieces …show more content…
With his powerful bronze horns and climbed in the aircraft,
He then started up the aircraft and pushed the accelerator on the airplane forward,
Lifting the heavy aircraft forward and off the ground
But Goatman forgot that he had not escaped
The macaroni warriors powerful candy corn machine guns;
While they were firing at him
A burst of candy corn went through the cockpit
Barely missing Goatman’s horns
This action fueled Goatman’s anger
And he turned the plane around and fired the 6.34 caliber candy corn machine guns on the plane
And wiped out the macaroni warriors whole battalion
Due to their poor fire power besides the candy corn machine guns
Goatman continued flying after his close encounter with the macaroni warriors
When the plane coughed and sputtered and began to descend uncontrollably
“Oh my gosh, I’m gonna die, because I didn’t drop the extra ammo once I left the runway”,
Soon Goatman crash-landed on a very rich, green environment like planet
Which held people that looked like him
Except the were bigger than him, a lot bigger
“O great Rams of planet Jello dragons,”
“I come looking for a greater challenge to practice my fighting skills and to get better at controlling my anger”
The planet’s head chief of the Mountain …show more content…
And shot down the dragons with their powerful machine guns;
And raked the ground of where the Mountain Rams were standing
Several thousand macaroni warriors came flushing over the volcano-like arena
Took out the Mountain Rams,
And safely returned Goatman to planet Hickombottom
Where King Furry Donut awaited his return to reward him
“Oh great Goatman, we have awaited your return”
“We (King and Fried Chicken jury) would like to award you with a home”
“And many types of amusements at your disposal”
Goatman was quite flattered,
But he also was confused about why he was receiving all of these gifts
“Why my dear boy,”
“You have ridded this planet of the Jello dragons forever”
“Due to your stupidity in destroying their only food source on the planet
“They proceeded in following you to your new home”
“To get revenge for what you had done to them”
“Thanks King, now I will never have to leave this beautiful planet ever again!!”
And he never did again,
He also made very good friends with his past foes,
The macaroni warriors, and he had conquered his anger issues also,
Not a bad day for Goatman
He then lived a happy life until his return to Planet ZX
Where he was born to present the world the new, next greatest warrior,
Demon-like man with bronze horns of a goat and the body of Cerberus,
The 3-headed dog, which was the guardian of the underworld in Greek Mythology
“Thick-skulled Goatman” was a character with many anger issues
That he took out on the maccaroni warriors of planet Hickombottom
Far away in the Snickers galaxy
“Taunt me foul beasts (Jello dragons)”,
“These weakling warriors are of no challenge anymore”,
After he ruthlessly pummeled the small, weapon wielding protectors of planet Hickombottom
Into the bean-like soil of the planet
“They are in no state to fight me anymore,”
“I will go find another challenge that is more worthwhile for my amusement”
“As light shone upon his mighty pieces …show more content…
With his powerful bronze horns and climbed in the aircraft,
He then started up the aircraft and pushed the accelerator on the airplane forward,
Lifting the heavy aircraft forward and off the ground
But Goatman forgot that he had not escaped
The macaroni warriors powerful candy corn machine guns;
While they were firing at him
A burst of candy corn went through the cockpit
Barely missing Goatman’s horns
This action fueled Goatman’s anger
And he turned the plane around and fired the 6.34 caliber candy corn machine guns on the plane
And wiped out the macaroni warriors whole battalion
Due to their poor fire power besides the candy corn machine guns
Goatman continued flying after his close encounter with the macaroni warriors
When the plane coughed and sputtered and began to descend uncontrollably
“Oh my gosh, I’m gonna die, because I didn’t drop the extra ammo once I left the runway”,
Soon Goatman crash-landed on a very rich, green environment like planet
Which held people that looked like him
Except the were bigger than him, a lot bigger
“O great Rams of planet Jello dragons,”
“I come looking for a greater challenge to practice my fighting skills and to get better at controlling my anger”
The planet’s head chief of the Mountain …show more content…
And shot down the dragons with their powerful machine guns;
And raked the ground of where the Mountain Rams were standing
Several thousand macaroni warriors came flushing over the volcano-like arena
Took out the Mountain Rams,
And safely returned Goatman to planet Hickombottom
Where King Furry Donut awaited his return to reward him
“Oh great Goatman, we have awaited your return”
“We (King and Fried Chicken jury) would like to award you with a home”
“And many types of amusements at your disposal”
Goatman was quite flattered,
But he also was confused about why he was receiving all of these gifts
“Why my dear boy,”
“You have ridded this planet of the Jello dragons forever”
“Due to your stupidity in destroying their only food source on the planet
“They proceeded in following you to your new home”
“To get revenge for what you had done to them”
“Thanks King, now I will never have to leave this beautiful planet ever again!!”
And he never did again,
He also made very good friends with his past foes,
The macaroni warriors, and he had conquered his anger issues also,
Not a bad day for Goatman
He then lived a happy life until his return to Planet ZX
Where he was born to present the world the new, next greatest warrior,