Okonkwo had a title within Igbo. The narrator stated, “To the crown it all he had taken two titles and had shown incredible prowess in two inter-tribal wars” (Achebe, 2009,p.8). These titles are like ranks within the culture. The ranks allows an individuals to a set number of wives. Okonkwo had three wives.
In “Things Fall Apart” Achebe explained the death of a set of twins. Nwoye which is Oknokwo oldest son. Nwoye is usually critiested by his father. Oknokwo believes Nwoye is like his father Unoka. Nwoye do not have the strong self-standard as Oknokwo. Nwoye felt bad about the death of the twins during the harvest season in Igbo. The infants was abandon in the Evil Forest because they are deliberated an abomination to the …show more content…
Women in Igbo takes pregnancy seriously. According to Okpomeshine(2011), “A marriage is considered to be a failure if no children are born. Being unable to conceive means a failure to the family and the woman is blamed for her own infertility.”(p.1). In “Things Fall Apart” Achebe explain killing of the twins but, child birth is important. Igbo women keep their pregnancy a secret they do not broadcast the pregnancy. Okpomeshine stated, “Pregnancy is never announced publicly in the early months. A pregnant Igbo woman will immediately inform her mother (p.1). During this time, the women are resicted from events so the pregnancy can be successful. The women and the baby is always need to be healthy. According to to Okpomeshine(2011). Women have to practices everyday events in order to have a healthy baby and pregnancy