Bobby feeling invisible started long before he actually was invisible. For a long time, Bobby’s parents didn't listen to him. They put work before him, never heard his opinions, and don't notice/care about what he wants. When Bobby turned invisible it only got worse. Not only did his parents figuratively …show more content…
Her parents smothered her, got into her personal business, followed her around, and treated her like a young child. They didn't give her any space to grow and be who she wants to be. She responded by constantly lashing out at them, shutting them out, and trying to be more independent. At one point in the book, her and Bobby go to the Sears tower, where she finally accepted her blindness as part of her life. Alicia tried to be more independent, show her parents that she can deal with being blind. Some positives are that her parents started seeing her as a little bit more independent, and tried to give her some more space. Some negatives are that her parents thought she was temperamental, and that she wasn't able to deal with her blindness.
Bobby and Alicia both had different solutions, and both had different results. The one thing in common is that at the end their parents’ behavior changes a little bit. They were both noticed a little more, and their parents gave them some more space. Both of their solutions had positive reactions and consequences. Alicia and Bobby both felt alone. They both were invisible but in different ways, and they both figured out ways to make their presence known in their