In the “olden days,” parents scrimped and saved so they could be able to send their kids to college. The plan back then was 1) go to as good a college as you can afford 2) get a degree that will hopefully actually help you land a job 3) land a job 4) work your way up the career ladder 5) become senior management (so you can save enough to send your own kids to college) 6) retire with hopefully enough of a nest egg saved.
But the world has changed. Globalization, economic crises, decreased earning power, high-speed technology and dynamic employment markets have shaken up the traditional career model. Today’s young people are struggling to simply land a job after college and are often forced …show more content…
While schools may perceive failure as “bad,” in the world of entrepreneurialism, failure can be an asset.
Napoleon Hill, author of Think And Grow Rich believes that, “Every failure carries with it a seed of equal or greater benefit.” By allowing children to fail they learn from their mistakes and understand what to do next time to achieve those goals they wrote down.
Good Communication Skills
Thanks to social media and text messaging, today’s young people are growing up without learning the art of face-to-face or even telephone communication. While technology has definitely changed the way business is conducted, speaking to people will always be required of business owners. Teaching kids to communicate effectively will give them an edge in business and their personal relationships.
Effective communication means being polite and respectful, making eye contact and speaking slowly and clearly. Effective communication will also need to happen in emails, so help them to stop abbreviating everything, no one at this point is LOL over all of the abbreviations. And help them understand the importance of proofreading emails before hitting the send button.