"Think Globally, Act Locally" originally began at the grassroots level, however, it is now a global concept with high importance. It is not just volunteers who take the environment into consideration. It is corporations, government officials, education system, and local communities.
It appears that the environment comes last with the profits of large companies being bolstered by taking action on environment, but usually shifting the blame to others by penalty payments like the Carbon tax initiated by the Australian Government as one entity, and others rejecting it or accepting the method of dealing with carbon creation, said to be the blame for our planet heating up.
Many Western countries see no point to it if China and developing countries take no part. Australia exports coal to China to power their new power stations. It is now extremely important to consider global markets and communities when doing business. Global markets and large corporations have one of the largest impacts on the environment, it is their influence and actions that are vital to the survival of our planet. Large corporations have the most impact on the environment, therefore "thinking globally and acting locally" can make a major difference in the survival of our planet.
Warren Heaps states, "It's really important to recognize that markets are different around the world, and company compensation programs should reflect a balance between global corporate philosophy and local practice and culture".[1]
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