Christopher Dale Brooks
Cultural Diversity
Stephanie Medley-Rath
July 25, 2011
Thinking About Diversity and Inclusion
What are the dimensions of cultural diversity? Identify and briefly explain the dimensions by referencing both textbooks.
The dimensions of cultural diversity are racial groups, ethnic groups, religious groups, and gender groups. Age is also a dimension. Minority groups also share the characteristics of experiencing unfair treatment, sharing likes and dislikes, involuntary membership, group solidarity, and marriage within the group. Each group should be dealt with simultaneously. It is important to focus on them all, rather than approach them in pieces. Components may vary, as it is possible to belong to multiple minority groups. Building a connection is just one dimension of diversity. To create a diverse workplace certain things must be met such as motivation, structure, and skills and training. Measurement of progress can be done through a series of evaluations.
With what ethnic, cultural, or other groups do you identify? Describe what members of your social circle have in common.
I generally stay with my ethnic group of white male Caucasians. Working in the military has given me new insights to other ethnic groups which in turn has helped me to realize that we are all people that need some kind of help. Helping people whether it is personal, some kind of customer service, or just information that’s what I have learned to deal with on a daily basis. As for the members of my circle they are all of different cultures and groups. I tend to see a steady idea of what we all have in common is that we all need someone to talk to. Talking helps us all to release our stress of our day to our comrades who may have ideas to help us cope with whatever may be ailing us. Maybe, we just want to make sure that we are having a good day and that if there is something bothering us, we can help each other too.
What is the difference between diversity and inclusion?
Diversity can be defined as differences between two people, groups, and minorities. These differences can be as small as your looks, the language you speak, or you ethnicity. Let’s just say that I have a difference with my ethnicity because I am a white Caucasian male, I might hold a higher position in a job that someone else thinks that they are better qualified to apply. Only problem is that because the person running against me is African American, then that’s where it’s in the manager’s hand to be decided. Also, let’s just say that the manager has a biased opinion of me, and because he is African American maybe he will give the job to the African American and strip me of my job. Inclusion is defined as to be included. Minorities today want to be included in society. The minority groups today fight with a lot of passion just so they can make a stand and be heard. Ethnic groups want to be heard just as well in society so that they may have an opinion in the world today. Overall, all people want to do is to be accepted, included, and just a part of this world as the rest of us do too.
What is the importance of workplace diversity training?
Diversity training provides the knowledge, skills and tools to assist team members for behaving differently. This is important for creating and sustaining change that fosters a more creative, inclusive, respectful and productive workforce and workplace. Inclusion and diversity training must be flexible to meet the demands and schedules of today 's active working environments. If these demands are not met then there would be an upheaval in the company. The military does not include this with their basic training. Which in reality, why do they need to include it? It is always about “one team, one fight.” This idea instills the ability of diversity to help each other through their personal issues and problems.
What is your experience with workplace culture? Could there be, or could there have been, more inclusion?
In most cases, the workplace could have been more inclusive. The reason I say this is that the military has many things to offer, but there is little room for culture. We do support other cultures with their holidays and special events but to what good are we if we are not fully aware of what their culture entails? I would like to see more support from our military to support other cultures with these events because I think that this would bring about the change in diversity for our military. Not only would it do the military justice, but maybe it could start something world-wide and of national interest too. I have worked in many jobs, and by far inclusion is the one thing that all company’s lack in the long run. I have worked with many cultures who thought that because they were a minority they didn’t have a chance to get to the top of the business. I know this because I saw many people walk away before they even began their climb because they did not think that our society would accept them for the position they could hold.
References Harvey, C. P., & Allard, M. J. (2009). Understanding and managing diversity (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
Schaefer, R. T. (2011). Racial and ethnic groups (12th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
References: Harvey, C. P., & Allard, M. J. (2009). Understanding and managing diversity (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. Schaefer, R. T. (2011). Racial and ethnic groups (12th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.