The “Thinking Processes” originated from the Theory of Constraints, the ideas for process improvement developed by Elyahu Goldratt. He realized that he was becoming a bottleneck in the dissemination of the ideas behind the Theory of Constraints. The Thinking Processes are a set of tools and heuristics that Goldratt uses. The Theory of Constraints’ process optimisation technique “The 5 focusing steps” is easily applied to physical, logistical processes like manufacturing, because the bottleneck and flows are visible. Applying the same ideas to more abstract problems in knowledge work or to improve rules and organisations is a lot more difficult. The Thinking Processes tools allow us to visualize this kind of situation. The Thinking Processes were introduced in Goldratt’s second business novel “It’s Not Luck”. “Thinking for a Change” is the title of a book about the Thinking Processes, written by Lisa Scheinkopf.
Goals of the tools
Verbalize and make explicit intuition about systems and situations Allow a group to analyse and discuss situations, to come to a shared understanding A structured method to uncover hidden assumptions and question them in a constructive manner Create consensus before a major decision, by involving all affected stakeholders (“Nemawashi”) Provide a structured, step-by-step approach to systems thinking that helps participants to focus on the goals to achieve.
The different tools
Current Reality Tree: helps you to find one or a few root causes for problems you’re facing. Now you know where to intervene to really solve the problems. Future Reality Tree: helps you to visualize the effects of a proposed intervention, including potential undesirable effects. Now you know if your intervention will result in the desired and effect. You know the extra interventions you will need to undo or avoid negative side effects. Transition Tree: allows you to map a path from where you are to where you want to
Bibliography: The Goal: A Process of Ongoing Improvement, Elyahu Goldratt (ISBN: 0566086654) It’s Not Luck – Elyahu M. Goldratt (ISBN: 0566076276) Thinking for a Change: Putting the TOC Thinking Processes to Use – Lisa M. Scheinkopf (ISBN: 1574441019) A Guide to Implementing the Theory of Constraints – The Toyota Way: 14 Management Principles From The World 's Greatest Manufacturer – Jeffrey K. Liker (ISBN: 0071392319) The Logical Thinking Processes – William H. Dettmer (ISBN: 9780873897235) For more books about the subject, see: Thank you for participating in this session. Marc Evers Piecemeal Growth The Netherlands Pascal Van Cauwenberghe Nayima Belgium 18