Everyone has a third place but what exactly is a third place, where it is located, and what it is made up of to make it an actual third place? I recently observed Bogus Basin Ski resort and based on what I saw I was very pleased and even a little shocked by my results. Although many people may think that a third place is just somewhere you go away from home, work, or school, there is actually a lot more to it. Going to a friend’s house to hangout may seem like a third place, however it is not. There are criteria which a third place should meet in order to actually make it a third place. The criteria includes things such as: neutral ground, a leveler, a home away from home feeling, regulars, a low profile, the mood is playful and most importantly the main purpose is conversation. A friend’s home would not be considered a third place, although it seems like it would meet this criteria, a third place is somewhere you go away from home and although this home is away from your home it is still a home. A third place is somewhere that you feel comfortable; even in comparison with everyone else. It is a stress free environment and you can count on it to stay that way, there is no unexpected new thing to happen which you are unaware of. You can expect to see the same people more than once, or even every single time you visit. You know these people by name and so do the employees. Nothing really sticks out about this place, the décor is simple and welcoming to everyone. There is no judgment because there is simply not enough to judge. Everyone here is upbeat and welcoming and most importantly they are conversing. Not only
Cited: Unknown. "Our Mission and Vision." bogusbasin.org. 2013. Bogus Basin Mountain Recreation Area. 10 March 2013.