Discuss the clash between the Romans and the Carthaginians.
a. The Punic Wars are considered one of the most important Wars in the entire history of Western Civilization. Why?
b. Then I need you to present a War Package. Include: o Causation, winners, losers? o Why did Rome win and what did it win? o What was the basic cause(s) for the whole war package, do YOU think? I need the OVERALL REASON (S)
c. In what ways did Rome benefit from its victories over Carthage?
The Romans and the Carthaginians had a history of peace agreements. In 509 BCE, the Romans and the Carthaginians agreed that the Romans controlled the Italian Peninsula, the Carthaginians controlled …show more content…
By 246 BCE, the Carthaginians controlled the trade routes and maritime trade in the Mediterranean. The Rome Republic was founded in 509 BCE as a result of an overthrow of Tarquinius Superbus, King of Rome. By 246 BCE, Rome, a small city, was unable to trade in the Mediterranean, only the Tiber River, but it dominated the Italian Peninsula, and only had access to the Italian Peninsula. However, Rome was growing stronger. The Punic Wars were fought to determine who controlled the trade in the …show more content…
Domitian, 51-96 CE, was the last emperor of the Flavian dynasty. His mother and sister died when he was young and his father, Vespasian, and elder brother, Titus, were away in the military. Domitian’s father, made him his representative, but Mucianus, his second in command. Domitican focused on arts and literature over politics. Titus died in 81 CE and Domitian was named Emperor. Domitian inherited few military successes and economic downturn. He raised taxes, devalued the money, and paid for costly arts programs, such as, the Capitoline Games, a sporting event (Donahue). Domitian caused repressed the Roman people. He killed people on the Roman Upper class and Christians. Additionally, Domitian killed his cousin, Flavius Clemins in 96 CE. The Praetorian Guard, backed by the Senate and the royal family, murdered him. Domitian inherited a Roman Empire and by the end of his reign of 15 years, he brought. Post-mortem, Domitian was given a damnation memoriae to erase his memory from history. His death led to the Nervan-Antonian